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2. Files
The rodis code is not that big, and it is quite easy to understand the
major meaning of all files.
Some Basic code however is changed and
rewritten over the past 10 years, without the aim of distrubution,
what makes it a slightly more difficult to get.
- `rodis/'
- This directory holds all the core-rodis cpp and header files
- `util/'
- Holds some ccp files rodis needs for common mathematics.
Some files are translated from fortran and pretty incomprehensive.
- `rodis/rodis_wrap.cpp'
- This file wraps the rodis-cpp code into a rodis-python code. It gives the
cpp variables a python equivalent.
- `rodis_ui.py'
- This file is a pure python script. This files gives the program a
'camfr'-look and feel. E.g.,it gives the rodis variables from
rodis_wrap.cpp a new name, creates new classes and new functions.
All this work could also be provided on cpp-level as it is the case
for 'camfr'. Isn't done though.
- `rodis_version.py'
- Is the version number!
- `setup.py'
- Is used to build the python-project as explained in the building instructions
- `SConstruct'
- This file is used by scons to compile all the files.
- `rodis/SConscript'
- A list of all the files which need to be compiled
- `machine_cfg.py'
- Holds the variables, used by the setup.py and SConsstruct
This document was generated
by Lieven Vanholme on June, 26 2003
using texi2html.