The Photonics Research Group (about 85 people) is associated with IMEC, and
is part of the Department of Information Technology of Ghent University. The
group is headed by Prof. Dries Van Thourhout and has been active in photonics
device research for many years. The other professors in the group are Roel Baets,
Peter Bienstman, Wim Bogaerts, Stephane Clemmen, Alberto Curto, Bart Kuyken, Nicolas Le Thomas,
Yanlu Li, Geert Morthier, Gunther Roelkens and Kasper Van Gasse.
The research focus is integrated photonics, from design and technology
development to system implementation and application-oriented research. Central
themes include silicon photonics and heterogeneous integration. The application
space is broad and includes telecommunication and datacommunication, computing,
sensing and medicine. The group has well-equipped clean rooms and measurement
labs. Furthermore the group is a regular user of (semi-)industrial technology
platforms for photonic integration, in particular through multi-project-wafer
offerings. The research results of the group have led to an ecosystem of spinoff
companies on- or near-campus.
The main research directions are silicon nanophotonics, heterogeneous
integration, optical communication, photonic (bio)sensors and photonic
integrated circuits for biomedical applications in the near-infrared and
mid-infrared wavelength range. More in particular, the silicon nanophotonics
work focuses on the design and fabrication of SOI-based photonic devices using
standard lithographic techniques compatible with CMOS-processing.
The Photonics Research Group has been coordinating the network of excellence
ePIXnet and is involved in a number of EU-projects, including the H2020 projects
ActPhast4R, AQUARIUS, CALADAN, FUN-Comp, Hydroptics, InSiDe, INSPIRE, MedPhab
Pilot Line, MIRPHAB Pilot Line, PIX4Life Pilot Line, MORPHIC, NEBULA, Neoteric,
and PhotonHub. The group also host two EOS Research projects, INTERREG projects
and several ITNs (MICROCOMB, OMT, WON, Phonsi). Furthermore, the group is partner of the Center for Nano- and
Biophotonics of Ghent University and leads ePIXfab, the European Silicon
Photonics Alliance.
The group has been awarded six ERC
Independent Researcher Starting Grants, one ERC
Consolidator Grant and two ERC Advanced
Investigator Grants.