- 17/12/2024:
PhD-defense ir. Dennis Maes 'Bridging the Terahertz Gap: High-Speed Photodiodes
on Silicon Nitride '
- 16/12/2024: Talk by Adam Raptakis (NTIUA, Athens), on
'Photonic integrated circuits for remote sensing: heterodyne interferometers and
optical phased arrays'
- 16/12/2024: NB-Photonics seminar by Prof. Takaaki Ishigure
(Keio University) on 'The "Mosquito method": an innovative fabrication
technique for single-mode polymer optical waveguides'
- 11/12/2024:
NB-Photonics Seminar with Prof. Christof Caloz (KUL) on 'Emergence of
Quantum Space-Time Engineered-Modulation (Q-STEM) Metamaterials'
- 05/12/2024: Talk by dr. Simone Atzeni
(Paderborn University) 'Photonic Quantum Computing: when
complex networks meet integrated optics'
- 05/12/2024: PhD-defense ir. Emiel Dieussaert 'Non-Contact
Photoacoustic Imaging Using Silicon Photonics-Based Laser Doppler Vibrometry'
- 27/12/2024: Light Nights with dr. Thomas
van Vaerenbergh (HPE) on 'Silicon photonics for AI and AI for Silicon
Photonics '
- 21/11/2024: Talk by Prof. Francesco dell’Olio (Politecnico
di Bari) on 'Novel sensor solutions based on photonic
chips '
- 21/11/2024: NB-Photonics Seminar with
dr. Milan Milosevic (PHIX) on 'Photonics Packaging for
Diverse Industrial Applications'
- 15/11/2024: Talk by Prof. Jiyuan Zheng (Tsinghua
University) on 'Enhancing Weak Light Detection: Innovations in Avalanche
Detectors for High Sensitivity and Speed'
- 22/10/2024: Lecture by Dr. Marco Avesani (Uni.
Padua/ThinkQuantum) 'Quantum Key Distribution: from protocols to in-field
- 15/10/2024: PhD-defense Chao Pang "Waveguide-Coupled
Photodetectors and Light Sources Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots: From Building
Blocks to Advanced Demonstrators"
- 16-18/09/2024: 9th Photonics Retreat
- 09-10/09/2024: Workshop "Frequency
combs: fundamentals and applications"
- 02/09/2024: PhD-defense Cenk Ibrahim Özdemir "III-V
Photodetectors Monolithically Integrated on Silicon for Interconnect
- 27/08/2024: NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Roques-Carmes
(Standford University) "Light-Matter Interactions Driven by High-Energy
- 29/06/2024: Photonics Group Dinner
- 27-28/06/2024: Photonics Master Thesis Symposium
- 14/06/2024: NB-Photonics Minisymposium with Prof. Milos Popovic (Boston University) and Dr. Mateusz Kotyrba (Sarcura)
- 12/06/2024:
Optica webinar with prof. Gunther Roelkens on "Micro-Transfer Printing for
Heterogeneous Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits"
- 28/05/2024: PhD-defense Emmanuel Gooskens "The wavelength dimension in photonic
reservoir computing"
- 28/05/2024:
NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Vincent Eechaudt (UGent)
"Restrictions on international photonics research "
- 29/04/2024: Talk by prof. Martin Schultze (TUGraz)
- 26/04/2024: Photonics Society Ghent - Quiz
- 15/04/2024: Talk by prof. Jelena Notaros (MIT) "Silicon Photonics for LiDAR,
Augmented Reality, Biophotonics, Quantum Engineering and Beyond"
- 12/04/2024: Talk by Shima Rajabali (Harvard University) "Terahertz Integrated
- 04/04/2024: Talk by Alfredo
Rossi (Thales) "Miniaturisation
of photon sources and quantum photonics"
- 25/03/2024: PhD-defense
Chenghan Wu "Integrated Photonic Modulators Based on Graphene and Other 2D
Materials for Optical Interconnects"
- 22/03/2024:
Photonics Society Ghent - Boardgame Night
- 14/03/2024:
Photonics Society Ghent - Photonics Industry Event
- 14/03/2024: Student visit from Purdue University
- 29/02/2024: PhD-defense Hong Deng "A Single-Chip Signal Processor in Silicon
Photonics Technology"
- 24/01/2024:
NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Jan-Willem Hoste
(meep) "Photonics at the heart of personalized health assistants"
News 2023 |
Events 2023 |
- 13/12/2023:
Nature Nanotechnology paper on
colloidal quantum dots published (+ front cover feature)
by Ivo Tanghe
- 24/11/2023: Best poster award for Chenming Su
at the IEEE Photonics Benelux symposium 2023 "Design and
Fabrication of Low Loss SiOx Waveguide for Applications in the
UVC wavelength range"
- 10/11/2023: prof. Dries Van Thourhout elected
to the Board of
Stakeholders of Photonics21
- 07/11/2023: Best paper award for Zhongtao
Ouyang at the 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference
(ACP2023) "Side-amorphous-silicon-grating InGaAs/GaAs nano-ridge
distributed feedback laser monolithically grown on 300 mm
silicon substrate"
- 30/10/2023:
Wim Bogaerts elected as Optica Fellow 2024
- 29/09/2023:
Symposium Light and Enlightenment: Perspectives on the Next
Decade; The event marks the retirement of Roel Baets after 34
years as a professor at Ghent University and as a group leader
at imec
- 05/09/2023:
Axithra, a new photonics UGent-imec spin-off launched
- 08/04/2023:
IEEE Spectrum publication: 4 Ways to put
lasers on silicon
MORPHIC/PHORMIC covered in Laser Focus World
07/03/2023: prof. Roel Baets receives 2023
IEEE Photonics Award for his pioneering research in integrated
photonics, including Si, SiN, III-V Devices, and their
heterogeneous integration.
STEM-outreach: L2 graders from Van Monkhoven Ghent
elementary school visit
27/01/2023: STEM-outreach: Umar introduces
photonics to L1 & L2 graders from GILKO Merelbeke elementary
19/01/2023: Launch of the ICOS Horizon
Europe project
18/01/2023: Launch of the M3NIR Horizon
Europe project
21/12/2023: Recent Trends in Photonic Symposium
20/12/2023: Christmas Drink
19/12/2023: PhD-defense Irfan Ansari "Electro-Optomechanical Transduction in
Silicon Photonics through PZT Thin Film Integration"
15/12/2023: PhD-defense ir. Mattias Verstuyft "A Silicon Photonics Based
Terahertz Photoacoustic Gas Sensor"
NB-Photonics seminar by prof.
Iwan Moreels (UGent)
"A Brief History of Colloidal Quantum Dots"
26/11/2023: Dag van de Wetenschap / Day of Science
23-24/11/2023: IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Symposium (hosted by
21/11/2023: Visit of Zhejiang University
20/11/2023: NB-Photonics seminar by
Riccardo Sapienza (Imperial College) "Reconfigurable-driven
Nanophotonic Lasers"
17/11/2023: Talk by Dr. Kang Tan (IonQ Inc) "Photonic Integrated Circuits
for Quantum Computing "
20/10/2023: Talk by Giacomo Carrara on "Overcoming fundamental bounds on
quantum conference key agreement"
06/10/2023: Talk by Dr. Ankit Singh (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology) "Enhancing
chiroptical sensitivity with metasurfaces and ultrafast spatiotemporal analysis"
NB-Photonics seminar by prof.
Denis Garoli (Italian
Institute of Technology ) "Plasmonic
nanopore technologies from single molecule detection to highly versatile
platform for multiple applications"
25/09/2023: Photonics Group Away Day
16/09/2023: Photonics Group Dinner
25/08/2023: PhD-defense ir. Stijn Cuyvers "Heterogeneous
silicon nitride integrated photonic devices based on micro-transfer printing"
- 04/07/2023: PhD-defense Ewoud Vissers "Hybrid Integrated
Mode-Locked Lasers Using Silicon Nitride External Cavities "
- 03-07/07/2023:
Silicon Photonics Summer School
24/06/2023: 2nd Photonics
Group Reunion
16/06/2023: Talk by Joaquin Matres (Google X) on Gdsfactory, an
Open Source python flow for circuit design, verification and validation
16/06/2023: Talk by Jean Decobert (Nokia III/V labs) on
AlGaInAs Multi-Quantum Well Laser on Silicon Achieved by Direct-Bonding and
MOVPE Regrowth
- 02/06/2023:
PhD-defense Ivo Tanghe "Beyond the Band Edge:
Extending the Reach of Colloidal Nanocrystals in Active Photonic Devices "
- 26/05/2023: NB-Photonics
- 15/05/2023:
PhD-defense Zuyang Liu "Exploring Methods to Improve the
Detection Limit of Waveguide-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"
09/05/2023: PhotonHub: Photonics Chip Demo Day
- 10-12/05/2023: PhotonHub:
Silicon Photonics Experience Center
- 05/05/2023:
NB-Photonics seminar by
Dr. Thomas Schrans "An engineer's view of optical arrays"
NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Jana Jágerská "Sensitive
trace gas detection with photonic integrated circuits"
- 16/03/2023: PhD-defense Chupao Lin "UV Photonic Integrated
Circuits for Label-Free Structured Illumination Microscopy and Quantitative
Phase Imaging"
- 17/02/2023: Talk by prof. Han Cheng
Seat (Toulouse-INP) "Optical sensors for geophysics, gas sensing and metrology"
- 11/01/2023: Talk
by dr.
Yuan Wei (Falcon-photon) "Commercialization of optical computing chips and the
relevant challenges"
News 2022 |
Events 2022 |
16/12/2022: Photonics Winter Teambuilding event
15/12/2022: PhD-defense Javad Rahimi Vaskasi "InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes
with High Wall-Plug Efficiency, Large Modulation Bandwidth and Low Noise"
STEM-visit of secundary school students from SFI Melle
10/11/2022: Talk by Arnault Raymond (Université Paris Cité) "Generation and
manipulation of biphoton states in the frequency and spatial degrees of freedom"
31/10/2022: Talk by dr. Konstantinos Papatryfonos (MIT) "Entanglement measures
in pilot-wave hydrodynamics"
28/10/2022: Talk by dr. Andy Boes (University of Adelaide) "Lithium
Niobate PICs"
27/10/2022: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Frank Verstraete "The entangled
quantum story behind the 2022 Nobel prize in physics"
25/10/2022: Talk by Tingting Zhai (L2n, Universite de technologie de Troyes)
"Silicon photonics integrated with plasmonics & 2D materials"
14/10/2022: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Alberto Curto "Chiral sensing with
semiconductor nanophotonics"
30/09/2022: Talk by dr. Chiara Schiattarella (CNR -
Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems) on
"Nanostructured Materials for Sensing, Bio- and Nano-photonic Applications"
29/09/2022: Talk by dr. Kenji Sato (ZTE Photonics, Japan) on
"Development of silicon photonic widely tunable laser for
50GHz-spacing 120 channels and discussion on the potential of silicon-nitride
waveguide for the future photonic devices."
28/09/2022: PhD-defense Yang Li "Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Sensor
Based on an Integrated Optical Platform"
26/09/2022: Talk by prof. Maysam Chamanzar (Carnegie Mellon
University) on 'Neurophotonics: From flexible integrated Photonics to virtual
optical waveguides '
Talk by dr. Mouhamad Al-Mahmoud on 'Application of
Coherent Quantum Control Schemes in Classical Physics'.
13/09/2022: Workshop on Frequency Combs
26/08/2022: PhD-defense Camiel Op de Beeck "Heterogeneous Integration of III-V Semiconductor Light Sources on Low-Refractive-Index Platforms"
01/07/2022: NB-Photonics seminar by Pieter Arickx (Umicore)
29-30/06/2022: Photonics Summer Symposium (master thesis presentations)
31/05-02/06/2022: 8th Photonics Retreat
06/05/2022: NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Pol Van Dorpe (imec)
02/05/2022: Talk by dr. Christian Haffner (imec) "Exploring the limits of
electro-optic interaction"
11-15/04/2022: Silicon Photonics Design Course
NB-Photonics seminar by dr.
Thijs Spuesens (CTO, Sentea)
30/03/2022: Photonics Industry Event
04/03/2022: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Yanlu Li "Measuring vibrations with
light- why and how” and prof. Kasper Van Gasse “On-chip metrology lasers: from
dual-comb spectroscopy to quantum systems”
03/03/2022: PhD-defense Mi Wang "Programmable wavelength filters in silicon
04/02/2022: NB-Photonics
seminar by prof. Korneel Rabaey(UGent, CTO of CAPTURE) “Extremely
decentralized water systems for anti-fragility”
PhD-defense Nicolas Poulvellarie
Harmonic Generation in III-V Integrated Structures”
- 07/01/2022:
NB-Photonics seminar by
Arnold Kruize (Jeol)
“The latest developments on analytical techniques in
High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy”
News 2021 |
Events 2021 |
NB-Photonics seminar by Prof. Andrés Vásquez Quintero (Azalea Vision) on
“Improving people’s quality of life through better vision”
- 18/11/2021:
Photonics Light Night: Talk by dr. Thijs Spuesens (SenteaTech)
- 26/10/2021: PhD-defense Jeroen Goyvaerts "Near-Infrared GaAs-on-SiN Photonic
Integration Platform Based on Micro-Transfer-Printing"
- 18/10/2021:
NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Jean-Paul Linnartz (Signify/TU
Eindhoven)on “Optical
Wireless Communication: merging insights from radio systems,
fiber communications and from photonics”
- 05/10/2021: PhD-defense Kristof Reynkens "On-Chip Raman
Spectroscopy: Background Challenges and Their Mitigation".
24/09/2021: NB-Photonics Topical Workshop
"Photonics in Horizon Europe".
07/09/2021: PhD-defense Alessio Lugnan "Photonics-Based Machine Learning to Speed up and Simplify Label-Free Flow Cytometry".
02/07/2021: NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Aimi Abass (Lumileds) on “Multiphysics
Modeling for High Brightness LED Light Engines”.
04/06/2021: NB-Photonics seminar by Prof.
James Wilkinson (Professor of Optoelectronics in the ORC) on
“Integrated Photonics for Mid-IR Biochemical Spectroscopy”.
02/06/2012: PhD-defense Bahawal Haq
"III-V-on-Si SOAs and DFB/DBR Lasers Realised Using Micro-Transfer Printing"
04/05/2021: PhD-defense ir. Laurens Breyne "Co-Design of High-Speed Integrated SiGe BiCMOS Drivers and Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulators for Optical Links"
- 19/04/2021: PhD-defense ir. Xiaoning Jia "On-Chip Carbon Dioxide Sensor
Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Spectroscopy"
- 08/04/2021: NB-Photonics seminar by Dr. David Mackey (Mbryonics Ltd.) on
Bringing Satellite Optical Communications Down to Earth
- 16/03/2021: PhD-defense Jing Zhang 'III-V-on-Si Transceivers Based on
Topical meeting 'AI for Photonics'
- 08/01/2021: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway) on Nanoscopy-on-a-chip
News 2020 |
Events 2020 |
- 11/12/2020:
NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Wim Bogaerts (UGent) on Lean
techniques in (photonic) research
- 03/12/2020: Light Night with prof. John Dudley
(University of Franche-Comté) on
Best Practice
Photonics: building and sustaining a technical research career
- 27/11/2020: PhD-defense Nina Turk "Waveguide-Based Surface-Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy for Protease Activity Detection"
13/11/2020: NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Peru Dharani (Eastman
Chemical Company)
- 05/11/2020:
ETN WON Online Course on Silicon Photonics
- 18/09/2020: PhD-defense Lukas Elsinger "Integrated Photonics with Colloidal
Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Optoelectronic Devices and Quantum Applications"
- 07/09/2020: PhD-defense Chiara Alessandri "Graphene-Silicon Photonic
Integrated Devices for Optical Interconnects"
- 02/07/2020: PhD-defense ir. Sarah Uvin "Heterogeneous Integration of InAs/GaAs
Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon Photonics"
- 19/06/2020: PhD-defense ir. Laurens Bogaert "Electronic and Photonic
Integrated Circuits for Millimeter Wave-over-Fiber"
- 26/03/2020: Workshop on 'Clear, accurate, concise writing' by Jean-luc
Doumont (Principiae) -cancelled
- 24/03/2020: PhD-defense ir. Anton Vasiliev "Silicon Photonics Spectroscopic
Trace Gas Sensors"
- 23/03/2020: PhD-defense ir. Floris Laporte "Novel architectures for
brain-inspired photonic computers"
- 06/03/2020: Prof. Poul B. Petersen from Ruhr University Bochum
- 13/02/2020: PhD-defense Sanja Radosavljevic "Germanium-on-Silicon and Germanium-on-Silicon-on-Insulator Thermally Tunable Filters for Wavelength Selection of Quantum Cascade Lasers"
- 10/02/2020: PhD-defense Zhenzhou Tang "Novel Radio-over-Fiber Systems and Microwave Doppler Frequency Shift Measurement Using Standard Silicon Photonics Building Blocks" - joint PhD Ghent University - Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- 07/02/2020: NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Paraskevas Bakopoulos (Mellanox Technologies)
- 27-29/01/2020: Photonics Retreat
- 24/01/2020: PhD-defense Mahmoud Shahin "Multi-Section InP-on-Silicon DFB Laser Diodes: Optimisations and Applications"
- 17/01/2020: PhD-defense Yuting Shi "GaAs nano-ridge laser epitaxially grown on Silicon"
- 16/01/2020: Methusalem Strategic Advisory Board meeting
- 09/01/2020: PhD-defense Grigorij Muliuk "Micro-Transfer-Printing of III-V Semiconductor and Silicon-Germanium Photodetectors on Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits"
- 06/01/2020: Talk by Bernardette Kunert (imec) on “GaAs Nanoridge engineering”
News 2019 |
Events 2019 |
- 12/11/2019: Roel Baets named 2020 John Tyndall Award Recipient! For seminal
research in silicon photonics and for driving the foundry model in this field.
- 10/10/2019: 3 researchers (Emmanuel Gooskens, Tom Vanackere & Stijn Cuyvers) were awarded
a competitive FWO PhD Fellowship
- 30/09/2019: Nature Communications paper on paving the way towards scalable
quantum photonic chips in collaboration with MIT
- 21/08/2019: New spin-off (sixth from our group) company founded: AntelopeDX
- 01-05/07/2019: Organizing the 4th edition of the ePIXfab silicon Photonics
Summer School from 1st to 5th July and for the first time not at UGent but in
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy)
- 28/06/2019: PhD researchers Stijn Poelman and Stijn Cuyvers win the Jozef
Plateauprijs (annual best MSc. thesis award within the Faculty of Engineering)
with the work “Photonic-Enabled On-Chip Antenna System for Next-Generation
Wireless Communication”
- 19/05/2019: Public outreach by the Photonics Society Ghent in to celebrate
the International Day of Light - The Photophone
- 14/05/2019: Cardis demonstration at imec Future Summits
- 24-26/04/2019: 21st edition of European Conference on Integrated Optics
- 26/03/2019: PIC International Award for the H2020 project Cardis
- 22/02/2019: Joint Optica publications with UStanford: Controlling phonons
and photons at the wavelength scale: integrated photonics meets integrated
- 15/01/2019: National news channel (VRT) covering results of a clinical
feasibility study of cardiovascular screening based on a photonic medical device
in the framework of the H2020 Cardis project
- 20/12/2019: Photonics Christman Drink
- 19/12/2019: PhD-defense Xiaomin Nie "Stationary Fourier Transform Spectrometer on a Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuit Platform"
- 06/12/2019: NB-Photonics seminar with dr. Jose Pozo (EPIC)
- 05/12/2019: PhD-defense Xing Yufei "Behavioural Models, Parameter Extraction and Yield Prediction for Silicon Photonic Circuits"
- 03/12/2019: PhD-defense Ali Raza "Raman Spectroscopy Enhanced by On-Chip Dielectric and Metal Waveguides"
- 08/11/2019: NB-Photonics seminar by dr. Bert Jan Offrein (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
- 21/10/2019: PhD-defense Alejandro Diaz Tormo "4π Raman Microscopy"
- 11/10/2019: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Wim Bogaerts (UGent)
- 20/09/2019: NB-Photonics 5G workshop
- 10/10/2019: PhD-defense Artur Hermans "Low-Temperature Processed Thin Films of Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Materials for Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuits"
- 08/10/2019: Talk by prof. Victor Torres Company (Chalmers Uni.) on Dark-pulse microcomb dynamics in normal dispersion Si3N4 microresonators
- 30/09/2019: Talk by prof. Milos Nesladek (UHasselt)
- 05/07/2019: PhD-defense Jesper Håkansson "Optomechanical sensors in the silicon photonic platform"
- 17-21/06/2018: Specialist Course: Silicon Photonics Design
- 27/05/2019: PhD-defense Kasper Van Gasse "Heterogeneous silicon photonic devices and subsystems for microwave photonics"
- 06/05/2019: PhD-defense Antônio Ribeiro Alves Júnior "Building blocks and subcircuits for programmable silicon photonic circuits"
- 03/05/2019: PhD-defense Yinghao Ye "Time-domain macromodeling and variability analysis of electronic and photonic circuits"
- 24-26/04/2019: 21st edition of European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO)
- 01/04/2019: Talk by dr. Raphael Van Laer (Stanford Uni.) on Quantum Electro-Optics with Gigahertz Phonons on a Chip
- 29/03/2019: Talk by prof. Kei May Lau (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) on III-V Lasers Grown on Silicon
- 01/03/2019: Presentations and exhibit by UGent spin-off companies
- 26/02/2019: PhD-defense Andrew Katumba 'Energy-Efficient Photonic Neuromorphic Computing for Telecommunication Applications'
- 15/02/2019: Talk by Prof. German Ricardo Vargas Lopez (ESPOL, Ecuador)
- 01/02/2019: NB-Photonics seminar by Prof. Dirk Van Dyck (UAntwerp)
- 07/01/2019: NB-Photonics seminar by Dr. Wilmert De Bosscher (CTO of Soleras Advanced Coatings)
News 2018 |
Events 2018 |
- 13/12/2018: MyCartis acquires ANTELOPE Dx platform technology
- 30/09/2018: Dr. Pieter Wuytens received the Royal Belgian Society for Microscopy PhD Award in life sciences
- 12/09/2018: Fifth spinoff company launched: Sentea (Fiber Optic Sensing)
- 05/12/2018: Nature Communications paper published on Nanophotonic Pockels modulators on a silicon nitride platform
- 11/04/2018: Prof. Roels Baets awarded with Lifetime Achievement Award from PIC International
- 28/03/2018: FWO-infrastructure funding 'Closed-cycle cryostat for experiments in quantum optics and advanced materials characterisation' (prof. Van Thourhout)
- 21/03/2018: Plenary lecture on Silicon Photonics at OpenReadings2018 (Vilnius, Lithuania)
- 11/03/2018: Nice contribution to OFC18: two Invited talks, 1 talk, 1 Hands-on course & 1 Workshop talk
- 27/02/2018: Brolis Semiconductors wins 'Newcomer of the Year Trophy' from Flanders Invest & Trade
- 21/12/2018: Christmas Drink
- 20/12/2018: PhD-defense ir. Koen Alexander
- 10/12/2018: PhD-defense ir. Soren Dhoore 'Heterogeneously Integrated III-V-on-Silicon Wavelength-Tunable DFB and DBR Lasers'
- 07/12/2018: NB-Photonics seminar by Prof. Dick Broer (TUEindhoven, the Netherlands)
- 28/11/2018: Light Night (Photonics Society Ghent)
- 09/11/2018: Talk by Dr. Peter Goetz (US Naval Research Lab)
- 09/11/2018: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Brian Cunningham (University of Illinois, USA)
- 30/10/2018: Talk by dr. Soavi (Cambridge Graphene Center, UK)
- 05/10/2018: NB-Photonics seminar by prof. Ton Koonen (TUeindhoven, the Netherlands)
- 21/09/2018: NB-Photonics Optical Spectroscopy Workshop
- 10/09/2018: Photonics Group Away Day
- 03/09/2018: PhD-defense Haolan Zhao 'Coherent Raman Spectroscopy Enabled by Photonic Integrated circuits'
- 30/06/2018: Photonics Group Dinner
- 26/06/2018: PhD-defense Saurav Kumar 'Fabrication and Characterization of Integrated Photonic Crystal Cavities for Sensing Applications'
- 18-22/06/2018: Specialist Course: Silicon Photonics Design
- 11/06/2018: 3rd edition of the Silicon Photonics Summer School
- 01/06/2018: PhD-defense Yunpeng Zhu 'Colloidal Quantum Dots as the Active Material for Silicon Nitride Photonics'
- 25/05/2018: PhD-defense Suzanne Bisschop 'Colloidal Quantum Dots for Integrated Light Sources'
- 26/04/2018: PhD-defense Ang Li 'Novel Degrees of Freedom for Design of Silicon Microring Resonators'
- 15/04/2018: Kinderuniversiteit 'Geniale Golven'
- 13/04/2018: Talk by Mark Wade (Ayar Labs) on Design Flows for Monolithically Integrated Electronic-Photonic Systems-on-Chip
- 10/04/2018: PhD-defense Ashwyn Srinivasan 'Advanced Germanium Devices for Optical Interconnects'
- 06/04/2018: NB-Photonics seminar with dr. ir. Joris Roels (Melexis, Belgium)
- 20/03/2018: NB-Photonics seminar on "Center of Expertise- NB-Photonics"
- 06/03/2018: Talk by Delphine Marris-Morini (Paris-Sud) on Ge-rich SiGe photonic integrated circuits for mid-IR spectroscopy
- 06/03/2018: Talk by Hans Sigg (Paul Scherrer Institut) on Group IV based direct bandgap lasing
- 16/02/2018: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Gaetano Assanto (Roma Tre, Italy)
- 31/01/2018 - 09/02/2018: Interactieve tentoonstelling Zonder licht wordt het donker!
- 26/01/2018: Kick-off meeting H2020 Morphic project
- 22/01/2018: General Assembly H2020 Pilot Line PIXAPP
News 2017 |
Events 2017 |
- 14/12/2017: Four FWO Strategic Basic Research Doctoral Grants awarded to members of the Photonics Research Group
- 19/09/2017: Prof. Roel Baets elected as OSA - The Optical Society Director-at-Large
- 19/09/2017: Two Post-Deadline Papers accepted at ECOC2017
- 15/09/2017: Prof. Roel Baets received ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant for 'MIRASPEC'
- 06/09/2017: Prof. Bart Kuyken receives ERC Starting Grant for the 'ELECTRIC' proposal
- 29/06/2017: Spin-off company Trinean acquired by Unchained Labs
- 29/06/2017: PhD candidate Artur Hermans receives renewal of his FWO PhD-grant and dr. Frederic Peyskens receives FWO Postdoc-grant
- 31/05/2017: Outreach project: Secundary school students from Sint-Bavohumaniora 6WW8 win Silver Award at the QuantumSpinOff competition with the help of the Photonics Research Group
- 23/05/2017: UGent Expertise centre 'NamiFab' has been launched
- 29/05/2017: Postdeadline paper accepted at CLEO2017
- 16/05/2017: Prof. Wim Bogaerts becomes Senior Member of OSA - The Optical Society
- 08/05/2017: Prof. Roel Baets listed as one of the 50 Belgian Tech Pioneers by De Tijd
- 16/05/2017: Prof. Wim Bogaerts becomes Senior Member of OSA - The Optical Society
- 03/04/2017: One invited Talk and 10 accepted papers at ECIO 2017
- 31/01/2017: 6 invited and one regular paper at Photonics West 2017
- 22/12/2017: Photonics Christmas Drink
- 21/12/2017: Recent Trends in Photonics Symposium
- 15/12/2017: Talk by Dr. Yi An (DTU Denmark) on Implementing photonic functionalities for avionics
- 06/12/2017: Photonics Retreat
- 01/12/2017: PhD-defense Sulakshna Kumari 'GaAs VCSEL Integration on SiN Waveguide Circuits: Design, Technology and Devices'
- 01/12/2017: NB-Photonics seminar with Lou Hermans (CMOSIS, Belgium)
- 27/11/2017: Talk by Dr. Banafsheh Abasahl (Carinthian Research & Technology center, Austria) on Nanoplasmonic antennas
- 16/11/2017: PhD-defense Ruijun Wang 'III-V/Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits for Spectroscopic Sensing in the 2-2.5 µm Wavelength Range'
- 14/11/2017: Talk by Maximilien Billet (University of Lille) on Sub-sampling of sub-THz and THz waves using LT-GaAs photoconductors under 1550 nm light excitation
- 10/11/2017: NB-Photonics Seminar with Peter Cirkel (EYEco-eyeCO)
- 30/10/2017: PhD-defense Pieter Wuytens 'Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Intracellular Sensing and Protease Activity Detection: From Chip Technology to Applications'
- 23/10/2017: PhD-defense Leila Abdollahi 'Graphene-Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits: Design, Technology and Devices'
- 05/10/2017: PhD-defense Andreas De Groote 'Heterogeneous Integration of Multibandgap III-V Semiconductor Light Sources on Silicon Photonics'
- 06/10/2017: NB-Photonics all-day annual meeting with keynote speaker prof. Stefan Maier (Imperial College London, UK)
- 03/10/2017: Photonics Group Away Day
- 11/09/2017: NB-Photonics seminar with prof. Andries Meijerink (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
- 7-8/09/2017: Photonics Summer Symposium - September session
- 6-7/09/2017: Specialized Course: Silicon Photonics Design - Pt. 2
- 13/07/2017: NB-Photonics seminar with prof. Stefano Barbieri (IEMN, Lille) on Quantum cascade lasers: from mid-infrared to terahertz
- 04/07/2017: PhD-defense Mark Hsu 'Monolithic Integration of Barium Titanate on Silicon for High-Speed and Power-Efficient Optical Modulator Applications'
- 01/07/2017: Photonics Group Dinner
- 29/06/2017: Photonics Summer Symposium
- 19/06/2017: Specialist course: Silicon Photonics Design
- 13/06/2017: PhD defense Chen Hu 'Short-Wave Infrared Photodetectors Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots'
- 07/06/2017: PhD defense Daan Martens 'Photonic Biosensors in Silicon Nitride with an On-Chip Spectral Filter Read Out by a Broadband Light Source'
- 15/05/2017: Photonics@be Doctoral School on 'Graphene, Metamaterials & Terahertz' May 15-17
- 09/05/2017: Talk by Clemens Kruckel (Chalmers University)
- 20/03/2017: NB-Photonics Seminar with Prof. Chris Van de Walle (UCSB)
- 15/03/2017: Photonics Event
- 09/03/2017: Talk by prof. Camille Bres (EPFL)
- 03/03/2017: NB-Photonics Seminar with Prof. Jef Poortmans (imec / Energyville)
- 27/02/2017: Talk by prof. Bernhard Lendl (TU Vienna)
- 27/02/2017: Talk by Quantum Sparrow
- 15/02/2017: PhD-defense Nuria Teigell Beneitez 'Imprinted Micro- and Nanophotonic Sensors'
- 03/02/2017: NB-Photonics Seminar with Jean-Luc Doumont (Principiae)
- 23/01/2017: 10 years of IOF photonics innovation at UGent
- 20/01/2017: PhD-defense Utsav Dave 'Nonlinear Optics in a-Si:H-on-Insulator and InGaP-on-Insulator Waveguide Circuits'
- 17/01/2017: Talk by dr. Ana Radosavljevic (University of Belgrade) 'Light propagation in complex systems of coupled waveguides'
- 10/01/2017: Talk by dr. Vincent Ginnis (VUB) 'Extraordinary motion of optically driven microparticles'
- 06/01/2017: Talk by dr. Diedrik Vermeulen (Acacia Inc) 'The Rise of Commercial Silicon Photonics, the past, the present and the future'
News 2016 |
Events 2016 |
- 20/12/2016: Indigo announces successful series-A financing round
- 13/12/2016: Prof. Wim Bogaerts receives prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant for the PhotonicSwarm project
- 18/11/2016: Ir. Suzanne Bisschop received Best Poster Award at the 21st Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter
- 10/11/2016: Prof. Roel Baets has been elected as 2017 OSA Fellow Member
- 14/10/2016: Outreach project: Belgian final year highschool-students from Sint-Bavohumaniora (Ghent) visit Photonics Research Group and cleanroom in the framework of the Quantum spin-off project.
- 29/09/2016: Prof. Roel Baets has been elected a 2016 Fellow Member of the European Optical Society (EOS).
- 15/09/2016: Amin Abbasi wins Best Student Paper Award at 25th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (Kobe - Japan). Honourable mentioning for Kasper Van Gasse.
- 12/09/2016: imec and Ghent University ratify decades of collaboration on optical chips
- 06/06/2016: The Photonics Research Group presents 12 papers, including a post-deadline paper at this year's CLEO Conference in San Jose
- 06/06/2016: Weiqiang Xie's paper accepted as a postdeadline paper at CLEO US
- 25/05/2016: Raphael Van Laer awarded with the Vocatio Award
- 20/05/2016: Jochem Verbist wins Best Student Paper Award at ECIO 2016
- 18/05/2016: Photonics Research Group installs Raith Voyager Electron-Beam Nanolithography System
- 17/05/2016: Outreach project: Belgian final year highschool-students from Sint-Jozefslyceum win European Quantum-Spinoff finals with support of the Photonics Research Group
- 04/05/2016: Andreas De Groote wins European Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award 2016
- 07/03/2016: Photonics Research Group moves to new building
- 18/02/2016: Invited paper at Photonics West 'Isipp-200: a silicon photonics platform supporting optical data rates beyond 50Gb/s'
- 22/01/2016: ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant for FireSpec (prof. Roelkens)
- 01/01/2016: Photonics Research Group participates in two EU Horizon 2020 Pilot Line projects
- 16/12/2016: NB-Photonics Seminar with Prof. Tim Wilkinson (University of Cambridge)
- 02/12/2016: NB-Photonics Seminar with Prof. Niels Quack (EPFL)
- 01/12/2016: Talk by Jorge Quereda Bernabeu (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
- 29/11/2016: PhD-defense Amin Abbasi 'High Speed Directly Modulated III-V-on-Silicon DFB Lasers'
- 27/11/2016: Dag van de Wetenschap / Day of Science
- 17/11/2016: 21st Annual Symposium of the Benelux chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society
- 14/11/2016: Talk by Dr. Owen Marshall (Manchester University)
- 04/11/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Bjorn Maes (UMons)
- 26/10/2016: PhD-defense Weiqiang Xie 'Development of Passive and Active Integrated Silicon Nitride Photonics'
- 25/10/2016: Visit from National Taiwan University
- 23/10/2016:
Light Night: talk and workshop by David Giltner
- 07/10/2016: NB-Photonics Annual Meeting 2016
- 30/09/2016: PhD-defense Hongtao Chen 'Advanced Germanium p-i-n and Avalanche Photodetectors for Low-Power Optical Interconnects'
- 23/09/2016: Photonics Group 'Away Day'
- 22/09/2016: PhD-defense Ashim Dhakal 'Nanophotonic Waveguide Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy'
- 13/09/2016: Talk by Dr. Mingchu Tang (University College London)
- 12/09/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Liang-Chy Chien (Kent State University)
- 29/08/2016: Silicon Photonics Summer School
- 06/07/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Matthew Shawkey (UGent)
- 01/07/2016: Talk by dr. Ali Serpenguzel (Koc University)
- 28/06/2016: Talk by dr. Mike Smith (Sydney University)
- 17/06/2016: Talk by Prof. Hui Ye (Zhejiang University)
- 03/06/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Peter Vandenabeele (Department of Archeology, UGent)
- 26/05/2016: PhD-defense Raphael Van Laer 'Light-Sound Interaction in Nanoscale Silicon Waveguides'
- 23/05/2016: PhD-defense Frederic Peyskens 'Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Using a Single Mode Nanophotonic-Plasmonic Platform'
- 17/05/2016: cQOM ITN workshop 'From Photonics Research to the CMOS-fab'
- 13/05/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Sebastian Munck (VIB institute)
- 11/05/2016: PhD defense John George 'Integration of Ferroelectric Thin Films on Silicon for Electro-Optic Devices'
- 09/05/2016: IAP Photonics@be doctoral school 'From Foundations to Systems' (May 6-11, Oostduinkerke)
- 06/05/2016: Talk by Prof. Moti Fridman (Barr-Ilan University)
- 02/05/2016: Lunch Seminars on Light & Sound with Prof. Amir Safavi-Naeini (Stanford University) & Dr. Ewold Verhagen (FOM Institute AMOLF)
- 08/04/2016: Talk by Dr. Yukio Kawano (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 07/04/2016: Visit from SPIE President Dr. Robert Lieberman
- 06/04/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Ben Eggleton (CUDOS, Sydney University)
- 31/03/2016: Talk by dr. Jason Pelc (HP Labs)
- 04/03/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Prof. Werner Mäntele (Univ. Frankfurt)
- 23/02/2016: PhD-defense Sarvagya Dwivedi 'Tolerant Spectral Filters Using Silicon Nanophotonic Waveguides'
- 22/02/2016: PhD-defense Alfonso Ruocco 'Active and Passive Wavelength Filters for Silicon Photonic Integrated Spectrometers'
- 12/02/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Paul Heremans (imec-KUL)
- 07/02/2016: Kinderuniversiteit 'Hoe maak je het? Met een ingenieur!' - Workshop 'Painting with Light'
- 26/01/2016: Talk by Prof. Ahluwalia Balpreet Singh (University of Tromso)
- 08/01/2016: NB-Photonics seminar with Christian Koos (KIT)
News 2015 |
Events 2015 |
- 23/11/2015: Hongtao Chen et al. wins IEEE Photonics Society ACP 2015 Best Student Paper Award
- 30/10/2015: Alcatel-Lucent Bell Scientific Prize 2015 awarded to Thomas Van Vaerenbergh for his PhD thesis entitled ‘All-optical spiking neurons integrated on a photonics chip’
- 26/10/2015: Nature Photonics publication on 'Room-temperature InP distributed feedback laser array directly grown on silicon'
- 24/09/2015: Bart Kuyken awarded with the Vocatio Award
- 10/03/2015: Nature Communications publication on 'Mid-IR frequency combs enable high resolution spectroscopy for sensitive and accurate gas sensing'
- 16/02/2015: Nature Photonics publication on 'Interaction between light and highly confined hypersound in a silicon photonic nanowire'
- 29/01/2015: NB-Photonics contributes to the Ghent Light Festival 2015.
- 01/01/2015: Happy New Year! Happy 2015! Happy International Year of Light!
- 28/10/2015: PhD-defense Jan-Willem Hoste 'Dual Polarization Ring Resonator for Conformational Analysis of Molecular-Sized Layers'
- 15/10/2015: Visit from Dalian University of Technology
- 09/10/2015: Talk by dr. Thai Tran (Berkeley University)
- 24/08/2015: Talk by Yoshima Satoshi (Mitsubishi Electric)
- 29/06/2015: Talk by Prof. David Miller (Stanford University)
- 23/06/2015: Photonics Summer Symposium (Photonics MSc. thesis presentations, June 23-25, VUB)
- 16/06/2015: Talk by Gordon Ning Liu (Huawei)
- 12/06/2015: PhD-defense Gunay Yurtsever 'Photonic Integrated Components for Optical Coherence Tomography'
- 12/06/2015: Quantum photonics seminar
- 11/06/2015: Talk by prof. Hirochika Nakajima (Waseda University)
- 06/06/2015: Photonics Dinner
- 05/06/2015: NB-Photonics seminar - Maarten Roeffaers (KUL)
- 08/05/2015: NB-Photonics seminar - Michael Debije (TUe -Eindhoven)
- 28/04/2015: TechBoost!2015 "Light in the nano world"
- 03/04/2015: NB-Photonics seminar with Hatice Altug (EPFL)
- 18/03/2015: IEEE Job Fair / Photonics Event
- 17/03/2015: PhD-defense Aditya Malik 'Germanium-on-Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits for the 5 μm Wavelength Range'
- 10/03/2015: Workshop on TeraHertz Photonics organized by Lille 1 University and Ghent University
- 13/02/2015: NB-Photonics seminar - Liesbeth Lagae (imec) & Jean-Pierre Timmermans (Antwerp University)
- 12/02/2015: PhD-defense ir. Yannick De Koninck 'Heterogeneously Integrated III-V on Silicon Microlasers Based on Resonant Grating Mirrors'
- 12/02/2015: Talk by Prof. Kevin Williams (TUe) 'Towards large scale InP photonic integrated circuits'
- 10/02/2015: PhD-defense ir. Pieter Geiregat 'Colloidal Quantum Dots for Guided Wave Photonics: From Optical Gain to Ultrafast Modulation'
- 30/01/2015: Symposium 'Licht tussen kunst, wetenschap en technologie'
- 19/01/2015: PhD-defense ir. Sam Werquin 'Optimizations of a Ring Resonator Biosensor Platform for Applications in DNA Detection'
- 01/01/2015: Happy New Year! Happy 2015! Happy International Year of Light!
News 2014 |
Events 2014 |
- 18/07/2014: Dr. ir. Karel Van Acoleyen awarded with the quadrennial AIG-award
- 24/03/2014: Nature Communications publication on 'Optical information processing on chips inspired by human brain'
- 13/01/2014: CheckPack project in the news
- 19/12/2014: Photonics Group 'Christmas Drink'
- 11/12/2014: Talk by Dr. Christian Wolff (CUDOS, Australia)
- 05/12/2014: 15th FEA Research Symposium
- 05/12/2014: NB-Photonics seminar with Ewold Verhagen (Amolf)
- 17/11/2014: Talk by Prof. Matthias Vanwolleghem (Univ. de Lille)
- 10/11/2014: PhD-defense ir. Abdoulghafar Omari 'Optical Properties of Colloidal Quantum Dot Functionalized Silicon-On-Insulator Waveguides'
- 07/11/2014: NB-Photonics seminar with Mathias Fink (Paristech ESPCI)
- 05/11/2014: Talk by Dr. William Green (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
- 03/11/2014: 19th Annual Symposium of the Benelux chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society
- 26/09/2014: Talk by prof. Ben Yoo (UC Davis)
- 19/09/2014: Talk by prof. Michael Watts (MIT)
- 08/09/2014: NB-Photonics Annual Meeting 2014
- 06/09/2014: Photonics Group 'Away Day'
- 29/06/2014: Silicon Photonics Summer School 2014 (June 29 - July 4), Ghent
- 14/06/2014: Photonics Group 'Dinner'
- 28/05/2014: PhD-defense ir. Thomas Van Vaerenbergh 'All-Optical Spiking Neurons Integrated on a Photonic Chip'
- 26/05/2014: PhD-defense ir. Martijn Tassaert 'Leveraging High Index Contrast for Optical Signal Processing Applications'
- 22/05/2014: Talk by prof. Juejun Hu (University of Delaware)
- 09/05/2014:
NB-Photonics Seminar - dr. Delbeke (IOF Plateau)
- 08/05/2014: Photonics Light Night @ VUB
- 05/05/2014: IAP Photonics@be Doctoral School (May 5 - 7), Oostduinkerke
- 25/04/2014: PhD-defense ir. Peter De Heyn 'Receivers Based on Silicon Ring Resonators for Multi-Wavelength Optical Interconnects'
- 17/04/2014: Talk by prof. Amr Helmy (U. Toronto)
- 17/04/2014: Talk by Claudia Beleites and Christian Matthäus (Institute of Photonic Technologies Jena)
- 04/04/2014: PhD-defense Pauline Mechet 'III-V Microdisk Lasers on Silicon-on-Insulator: Fabrication Optimizations and Novel Applications'
- 04/04/2014: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Ronda (Philips Group Innovation)
- 31/03/2014: PhD-defense Shibnath Pathak 'Silicon Nano-Photonics Based Arrayed Waveguide Gratings'
- 26/03/2014: Photonics Event, Connecting Companies, Students and Researchers
- 25/03/2014: Talk by Dr. Francesco Morichetti (Politecnico di Milano) & Dr. Nicola Callabretta (TUe)
- 17/03/2014: PhD-defense Thijs Spuesens 'Compact on-Chip Optical Interconnects on Silicon by Heterogeneous Integration of III-V Microsources and Detectors'
- 07/03/2014: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. van Leeuwen (Amsterdam Uni.)
- 24/02/2014: PhD-defense ir. Nannicha Hattasan 'GaSb/Silicon-on-Insulator Heterogeneous Photonic Integrated Circuits for the Short-Wave Infrared'
- 21/02/2014: Talk by Peter O'Brien (Tyndall Photonics Packaging group)
- 14/02/2014: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Aymeric Leray (IRI Lille/CNRS Dijon)
- 24/01/2014: PhD-defense Cristina Lerma Arce 'Novel microfluidic platforms incorporating photonic ring resonator sensors'
- 10/01/2014: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Wouter van der Wijngaart (KTH)
News 2013 |
Events 2013 |
- 14/12/2013: Prof. Peter Bienstman awarded "Laureaat van de Academie 2013" by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium
- 21/11/2013: FP7 project HELIOS nominated as "best practices" by the EC
- 01/11/2013: Ghent University website focus on international research project 'Pocket', coordinated by prof. Bienstman
- 17/09/2013: Huawei completes acquisition of Caliopa
- 16/09/2013: Bart Kuyken awarded with IEEE Photonics graduate students fellowship
- 07/08/2013: MSc. thesis student Sarah Uvin wins IMEC best MSc. thesis award for "Mid-infrared gas sensing through nonlinear optics in silicon waveguides"
- 20/06/2013: 7 PRG group members participate in the European Company Sport Games in Prague.
- 21/01/2013: Yanlu Li granted with '2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad' by CSC
- 14/01/2013: NB-Photonics presents: "Photonics enabling the nano- and bioscience world"
- 20/12/2013: Photonics Group 'Christmas Drink'
- 17/12/2013: 85 years FWO: Kennismakers (with 'the world of bio-photonics' session by NB-Photonics)
- 10/12/2013: Photonics Group 'Retreat'
- 06/12/2013: 14th FEA PhD Symposium
- 06/12/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Frans Harren (Radbout University)
- 05/12/2013: Photonics Light Night @ UGent
- 25/11/2013: 18th Annual Symposium of the IEEE-Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, TU Eindhoven
- 08/11/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - From Sun to Fuel - prof. Johan Martens (KUL) and prof. Willy Verstraete (UGent)
- 07/11/2013: Photonics Light Night @ UGent
- 10/10/2013: Photonics Light Night @ UGent
- 28/10/2013: Talk by dr. Andrew Rickman (Oclaro Inc. - ex-Bookham Technologies)
- 20/09/2013: NB-Photonics Annual Meeting 2013
- 19/09/2013: PhD-defense ir. Diedrik Vermeulen 'Silicon Photonics for Optical Fiber Communication'
- 16/09/2013: Talk by dr. Michael Roelens (Finisar)
- 03/09/2013: PhD-defense ir. Yanlu Li 'Miniaturized Laser Doppler Vibrometer Integrated on a Silicon Photonics Platform'
- 26/08/2013: PhD-defense Samir Gosh 'Optical Isolators in Silicon Based Photonic Integrated Circuits'
- 21/08/2013: PhD-defense Sukumar Rudra 'Diffractive micro-electromechanical structures in Si and SiGe'
- 07/07/2013: European MSc. in Photonics Summer School, EPFL
- 27/06/2013: Photonics Group 'Away Day'
- 24/06/2013: Photonics MSc. Thesis presentations, 8h30-11h30, Aud. E (Plateau)
- 17/06/2013: NB-Photonics Summer School
- 15/06/2013: Photonics Group 'Dinner'
- 14/06/2013: PhD-defense ir. Elewout Hallynck 'Applications of Integrated Photonic Structures on Membranes Fabricated by Locally Etching the Silicon Substrate'
- 11/06/2013: PhD-defense ir. Martin Fiers 'Nanophotonic Reservoir Computing Using Photonic Crystal Cavities'
- 07/06/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Gomez Rivas (TU Eindhoven)
- 31/05/2013: PhD-defense ir. Bart Kuyken 'Four-Wave-Mixing in Dispersion-Engineered Silicon Nanophotonic Circuits for Telecommunication and Sensing Applications'
- 27/05/2013: PhD-defense Stevan Stankovic 'Hybrid III-V/Si DFB Lasers Based on Polymer Bonding Technology'
- 03/05/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Edouard Brainis (UGent)
- 17/04/2013: Symposium on III-V and silicon photonic integration
- 05/04/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Mathew Halsall (Manchester)
- 04/04/2013: Advisory Board Methusalem project "Smart Photonic Chips" 2013
- 20/03/2013: Photonics Networking Event @ UGent
- 01/03/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Uli Lemmer (Karlsruhe)
- 01/02/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Johan Hofkens (KULeuven)
- 14/01/2013: DS Specialist Course 'Technological processes for nano- and biophotonics devices fabrication'
- 11/01/2013: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Bernard Vandenbunder (CNRS)
News 2012 |
Events 2012 |
- 16/12/2012: Prof. Dries Van Thourhout awarded "Laureaat van de Academie 2012" by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium
- 13/11/2012: UGent1010 awarded the Photonics Research Group a prize in the context of the “duurzaamheidspact†of Ghent University for our travel policy
- 07/11/2012: Ir. Peter De Heyn received the Best student paper award at the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Guangzhou, China, November 7, 2012 for his paper "Tunable 4-Channel Ultra-Dense WDM Demultiplexer with III-V Photodiodes Integrated on Silicon-on-Insulator"
- 23/09/2012: Nature Photonics paper about mid-infrared spectral translation in silicon waveguides
- 09/07/2012: imec First to Demonstrate Nanophotonics Components on 300mm Silicon Photonics Wafers Using Optical Lithography
- 16/04/2012: Ghent University and imec report Open Source software release of IPKISS, a parametric design environment for integrated photonics
- 21/12/2012: Inaugural Lecture Prof. Dr. Nicolas Le Thomas 'Photonics to probe biological media at the nanoscale'
- 17/12/2012: Photonics Group 'Christmas Drink'
- 14/12/2012: PhD-defense ir. Nebiyu Yebo 'Silicon Based Integrated Optical Gas Sensing'.
- 05/12/2012: 13th FEA PhD Symposium
- 29/11/2012: 17th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter
- 25/11/2012: Science Day - Dag van de Wetenschap: Licht op een microchip, een blik achter de schermen (visit to the UGent Cleanroom)
- 23/11/2012: PhD-defense ir. Bram De Geyter 'Colloidal Quantum Dots as Light Emitters for Silicon Photonics
- 09/11/2012: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Philippe Smet (UGent)
- 05/11/2012: ePIXfab full training, IHP Germany
- 16/10/2012: Talk Dorian Sanchez 'Selectively-etched tunnel-junction apertures for monolithic EP-VCSELs emitting in the mid-IR'
- 04/10/2012: PhD-defense Linghua Wang 'Fabrication Optimisation and Applications of PSQ-Ls Polymer Photonic Devices'
- 21/09/2012: NB-Photonics Annual Meeting 2012
- 13/09/2012: PhD-defense Rajesh Kumar 'Applications of InP-on-Silicon Microdisks in All-Optical Signal Processing'
- 08/09/2012: Photonics Group Reunion
- 27/08/2012: PhD-defense ir. Karel Van Acoleyen 'Nanophotonic Beamsteering Elements Using Silicon Technology for Wireless Optical Applications'
- 22/08/2012: PhD-defense Honghui Shen 'Numerical Study of Light Confinement with Metallic Nanostructures in Organic Solar Cells'
- 27/06/2012: EM Photonics Summer School
- 27/06/2012: Talk by prof. Bowers (UC Santa Barbara) 'III-V/silicon photonic integration'
- 26/06/2012: MSc. Photonics - Thesis project presentations
- 18/06/2012: NB-Photonics Summer School
- 16/06/2012: Photonics Group 'BBQ'
- 15/06/2012: PhD-defense ir. Tom Claes 'Advanced silicon photonic ring resonator label-free biosensors'
- 15/06/2012: Inaugural Lecture Prof. Dr. Andre Skirtach 'Nanotechnology and material science for bridging photonics, imaging and biotechnology'
- 13/06/2012: Photonics Group 'Away Day'
- 01/06/2012: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Christophe Detavernier (UGent)
- 11/05/2012: Talk by prof. Gylfason (KTH) 'Photonic biosensors for Labs-on-Chip'
- 04/05/2012: NB-Photonics Seminar - James Kirkpatrick (JGU Mainz)
- 13/04/2012: Talk by dr. Phil Stahl (NASA)
- 06/04/2012: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Daniel Vanmaekelbergh (Utrecht University)
- 02/03/2012: PhD-defense ir. Wout De Cort 'Wavelength Tunability of Silicon-On-Insulator Ring Resonators with a Cladding Layer of Liquid Crystals'
- 02/03/2012: NB-Photonics Seminar - dr. Sofie Bekaert (Bimetra)
- 28/02/2012: Talk by Alfredo De Rossi (Thales) 'All-optical signal processing'
- 08/02/2012: Photonics Group 'Strategy Day'
- 03/02/2012: NB-Photonics Seminar - prof. Parak (Philipps University Marburg, Germany)
- 11/01/2012: Talk by dr. Pavel Cheben (NRC, Canada) 'Silicon subwavelength photonics'
News 2011 |
Events 2011 |
- 15/12/2011: Photonics Group attends UGent 'Breakfast for Life'
- 09/12/2011: NB-Photonics Brainstorming leading to new multi-disciplinary research avenues
- 01/11/2011: UGent research in imec interconnect November 2011 issue
- 31/10/2011: Prof. Roel Baets receives MOC-award at Microoptics Conference (MOC'11) in Sendai, Japan
- 13/07/2011: Sofie Lambert wins IMEC prize for best MSc. thesis in Engineering at Ghent University for academic year 2010-2011
- 26/04/2011: Wingtech Team ranks high in international Cleantech Challenge
- 28/01/2011: Prof. Roel Baets awarded with an ERC Advanced Grant.
- 24/01/2011: Imec launches new research program on high-bandwith optical I/O.
- 23/12/2011: Photonics Group 'Christmas Drink'
- 23/12/2011: Mid-term thesis presentations
- 22/12/2011: Mid-term thesis presentations
- 07/12/2011: 12th FEA PhD Symposium
- 05/12/2011: Silicon Photonics Forum 2011
- 01/12/2011: 16th Annual Symposium IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter
- 09/11/2011: Talk by prof. Sebastian Lourdudoss (KTH) 'III-V epitaxy on Si'
- 28/09/2011: PhD-defense ir. Kristof Vandoorne 'Photonic Reservoir Computing with a Network of Coupled Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers'
- 23/09/2011: Annual Meeting NB-Photonics 2011
- 05/09/2011: Talk by dr. Gordon Pipa (University of Osnabrück) 'Reservoir Computing'
- 05/09/2011: Talk by prof. Efrat Lifshitz (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology) 'Colloidal Quantum Dots'
- 08/08/2011: Talk by prof. Andrea Alu (UTexas) 'Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Theory and Electromagnetic Applications'
- 03/08/2011: Talk by prof. Connie Chang-Hasnain (UC Berkeley) 'Physics and applications of high-contrast gratings'
- 22/06/2011: PhD-defense Khai Quang Le 'Towards Efficient Three-Dimensional Wide-Angle Beam Propagation Methods and Theoretical Study of Nanostructures for Enhanced Performance of Photonic Devices'
- 26/04/2011: NB-Photonics on regional TV station AVS.
- 31/03/2011: PhD-defense ir. Joris Roels 'Aandrijving van geintegreerde nanofotonische componenten door middel van de optische gradientkracht'
- 16/01/2011: Photonics Event, connecting students and companies
- 28/02/2011: PhD-defense Shankar Kumar Selvaraja 'Wafer-Scale Fabrication Technology for Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits’
- 24/01/2011: Visit from Tokyo University for the 3rd international conference on silicon photonics
News 2010 |
Events 2010 |
- 25/11/2010: PhD student ir. Thijs Spuesens wins poster award at IEEE photonics Benelux symposium in Delft.
- 07/11/2010: Two PhD students, ir. Koen Huybrechts & ir. Joris Roels awarded as IEEE Photonics Society 2010 Graduate Student Fellows.
- 15/10/2010: PhD student, ir. Joris Roels awarded the Barco High Tech Award for Scientific Research.
- 17/09/2010: Center for Nano- and Biophotonics officially launched at the kick-off event.
- 19/08/2010: Two new ERC Starting Grantholders in the Photonics Research Group. Congratulations to Dries and Gunther.
- 18/08/2010: Shanghai Ranking: UGent in Top 100.
- 07/07/2010: Four full-time tenure track or tenured faculty positions available in the Center for Nano- and Biophotonics .
- 02/04/2010: Review article on state of the art of optomechanics using the optical gradient force published in Nature Photonics (April 2010 issue).
- 08/03/2010: First 'joint PhD' degree at Ghent University awarded to Ms. Jie Teng for her doctoral thesis 'Fabrication of PSQ-L Polymeric Photonic Devices'. The result of a partnership between Dalian University of Technology (China) and the Photonics Research Group (Dept. of Information Technology - Ghent University).
- 24/01/2010: Article on the Microdisk based all-optical flip-flop published online in Nature Photonics and appears in the issue of March 2010.
- 04/01/2010: Nature Photonics (January 2010 issue) highlights on high volume manufacturing of silicon photonic devices in CMOS foundry.
- 25/10/2010: PhD-defense ir. Joost Brouckaert 'Integration of Photodetectors on Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) for Spectroscopic Applications'
- 28/09/2010: PhD-defense ir. Koen Huybrechts 'Digital Photonics for All-Optical Network Nodes Using Single Laser Diodes'
- 17/09/2010: Center for Nano- and Biophotonics officially launched at the kick-off event.
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