IST: SLAMFull Name: Super Laser Array Memory Duration: 1/5/2001-30/4/2004 (Finished) Partners: - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Institute of Microtechnology - University of Neuchatel
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Kings College London
- Imperial College London
- Delft, University of Technology
- Philips Research
Objective: - To demonstrate the feasibility and show the potential implementation of a robust optical storage system related to the optical near-field technique. Drawback of a classical near-field optical head, its extremely small air gap, must be avoided. A dramatic increase in the air gap height should be obtained and, in the opinion of the proposers, this could be done by using superresolution techniques, by making use of a priori information about the data stream, by implementing a potential coherent detection of the phase of the field reflected towards the probe and by micro -structuring the information pits. An optimum implementation of all these measures requires a detailed analysis of the electromagnetic field in the volume between the optical head and the information layer and an extensive theoretical and experimental study of the reading and recording properties of such an optical system.
INTEC's Role: - Detection of field profile (amplitude & phase) using photonic integrated circuit placed nearby disk, with the aim to resolve grooves (or pits) spaced by less than the wavelength
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