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Ghent University internal
BOF: NAMIFAB (Expertisecentrum nano- en microfabricage)
BOF 2/4J: A Chip-Scale All-Optical Photon Counter
BOF GOA: OMG (Photonic Network-on-Wafer for Multi-Tile GPUs: From Architecture to Hardware Implementation)
BOF GOA: PZT (Integration of novel thin films with photonic circuits for telecom, quantum optics and neuromorphic computing)
BOF IOP: On-chip integrated UV micro plasma sources for biophotonic applications
BOF START: Polarization in scattering microscopy
MRP: NB Photonics (Center for Nano- and Biophotonics)
testframework: testacronym (testname)
EFRO: GAINS (deep tech co-innovation center in artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductor photonics)
EOS: Pinch (FWOEOS20 )
EOS: Pulse (Pattern Formation in Integrated Lasers for Spectroscopy and Terahertz Wave Generation)
FWO: G020421N - GRAPHSPAY (Global Routing And Programming Heuristics for Silicon Photonics Adaptive circuitrY)
FWO: G031421N - MALEPHICENT (MAchine Learning to Engineer Photonic Integrated Circuits for ENhanced Tolerance)
FWO: G041420N (Optical I/O as an enabler for the high-performance computers of the future)
FWO: G066924N (Van der Waals unipolar barrier photodetectors for mid-infrared integrated photonics)
FWO: G0A6L25N (Ising machines)
FWO: G0B2921N - E-QUAL (Electrically Driven Quantum Dot Lasers, a Fundamental Nanomaterials/Nanophotonics Approach (E-QUAL))
FWO: GLIMWASP (General-purpose LIght and MicroWave Analog Signal Processor (G0ACJ25N))
FWO: Unipolar (Van der Waals unipolar barrier photodetectors for mid-infrared integrated photonics)
iBOF: GeV iBOF (towards the ultimate qumatum light matter interface)
SBO: BeQuNet (Belgian Quantum Communication Testbed Network )
SBO: GigaPixel (CMOS imager scaling below wavelength limits)
AFOSR: PhotonMolecule (Programmable Photonic Molecules)
AFOSR: POLCA (Programmable Optics with Liquid Crystal Active functions)
Chips JU: Nehil
CHIPS-JU: HAETAE (Heterogeneously integrated multi-material photonic chiplets for neuromorphic photonic transfer learning AI engines)
CHIPS-JU: PhotonixFAB (Industrialization of silicon photonics and micro-transfer printing)
CHIPS-JU: PhotonMed
Digital Europe: BeQCI
EDCTP2 : SIMBLE (Simplified Blood Culture System)
EIC Pathfinder: NEHO
EIC PATHFINDER OPen: CSOC (Chip-scale Optical Atomic Clock)
EIC Transition challenge: AMICA (Adaptive microcombs for innovative connectivity in datacenter applications and optical clocks)
EIC Transition challenge: Molokai (Mode Locking for Advanced Sensing and Imaging)
ERASMUS+ CBHE: INMACOM (INnovative MAster program in photonics and optical COMmunications to meet the needs of the telecommunications labour market in Uzbekistan)
ERC-2022-POC1: COMB (High Speed Communication Links Based on Heterogeneous Chips)
ERC-AdG: NARIOS (Nano-Ridge Engineering for Densely Integrated III-V Lasers Directly Grown on Silicon)
ERC-StG: CHANSON (Chiral semiconductor nanophotonics for ultraresolved molecular sensing)
ERC-StG: ELECTRIC (Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs )
ESA: ProtoBIX (Optical I/O for space applications)
FET-PROACTIVE: Phoenics (Photonic enabled Petascale in-memory computing with Femtojoule energy consumption)
Flagship ERA- NET: ENPHOCAL - SBO project S008421N (ENhanced Photoresponse of HOt CArriers through Lifetime engineering)
FWO-Weave: PICURE (Integrated photonics for UV resonant Raman spectroscopy)
FWO-Weave: SQOPE (Squeezed Quantum prOcessing with Photonics and Electronics)
H2020: ActPhast4R (ACceleraTing PHotonics Deployment viA one STop shop Advanced Technology Access for Researchers)
H2020: FUN-Comp (Functionally scaled computing technology: From novel devices to non-von Neumann architectures and algorithms for a connected intelligent world)
H2020: InSiDe (Integrated Silicon photonics for Cardiovascular Disease monitoring)
H2020: INSPIRE (InP on SiN Photonic Integrated circuits REalized through wafer-scale micro-transfer printing)
H2020: MedPhab (Photonics Solutions at Pilot Scale for Accelerated Medical Device Development)
H2020: NEBULA (Neuro-augmented 112Gbaud CMOS plasmonic transceiver platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI applications)
H2020: Neoteric (Holistic photonic ML paradigms for most challenging imaging applications)
H2020 : PhotonicLEAP (Photonic Wafer-Level IntEgration PAckaging and Test Processes)
Horizon Europe: ADOPTION (Advanced Co-Packaged Optics Enabling High-Efficiency AI Workloads and Cloud Computing)
Horizon Europe: ICOS (International Cooperation on Semiconductors)
Horizon Europe: M3NIR (Integrated, Modular, Multisensing, Mid- and Near- IR sensing platform)
Horizon Europe: Neuropuls
Horizon Europe: PATTERN (Next generation ultra-high-speed microwave Photonic integrATed circuiTs using advancE hybRid iNtegration)
Horizon Europe: PHORMIC (Wafer-scale platform for Photonic Programmable Multipurpose Integrated Circuits)
Horizon Europe: PROMETHEUS (PROgraMmable integrated photonic nEuromorphic and quanTum networks for High-speed imaging, communications and sEcUrity applicationS)
Horizon Europe: PUNCH (Packaging of novel ultra-dynamic photonic switches and transceivers for integration into 5G radio acces network and datacenter sub-systems)
Horizon Europe: Qu-Pilot (Qu-Pilot Experimental production capabilities for quantum technologies in Europe)
Horizon Europe: Respite
Horizon Europe: Vission ( Active Building Blocks for Visible and Near-Infrared Applications on a Silicon Nitride Interposer)
Horizon Europe-MCSA-ITN : Postdigital+
HORIZON-CL4-2023-Digital-Emerging-01-04: Qu-PiC (Quantum Universal Photonics Integrated Circuit platform)
Horizon-CL4-2023-Digital-emerging-01-05: Quantify (Quantum enhANched phoTonic Integrated sensors For metrologY)
Horizon-EIC-Pathfinder: DOLOREs (Digital optical computing platform for neural networks)
Horizon-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01: Microcombsys (Photonic System Engineering with Microcombs)
INTERREG: LIGHTUP (Transfer printing of InP components on Si photonics)
ITN: microcomb
ITN: NiteLIDAR (Photonic and electronic integrated circuits for next-generation LiDAR technologies)
ITN: PostDigital
ITN: WON (Wideband Optical Networks)
Quantera: uTP4Q (A versatile quantum photonic IC platform enabled by micro-transfer printing)
Finished Projects
ESPRIT: SMILED (Semicoductor Microcavity Light Emitters)
BOF: silicon nanolaser (Een silicium compatibele laser op basis van colloidale kwantum dots)
BOF IOP: Superresolution stimulated Raman scattering imaging enabled by silicon photonics
GOA: FEPIP (Flexible electro-photonic integration platform)
GOA: UGent GOA biosensor project
IOF: Euphoric
ESA: EPFC (Electronic-Photonic Frequency Converter)
FKFO: Design and fabrication of diffractive structures for photonic applications
FWO: Nanolaser
FWO: Diamond (Biosensors on diamond)
FWO: G013815N-ScaleModel (Scalable behavioral models for large-scale silicon photonics)
FWO: Cell sorting analysis
FWO: G087317N (Hybrid Quantum Dot - Silicon Nitride Optical Sources for On-Chip Spectroscopy Systems)
FWO: NanoMIR (colloidal quantum dot chemistry for midIR integrated opto-electronic components)
FWO: GaIn(N)As (GaIn(N)As micro-lasers voor datacommunicatie)
FWO: Nanostructurering van metalen met Focussed Ion Beam
FWO: Nanofotonica voor optische signaalbewerking
FWO: 3D camera (Geintegreerde optische sensoren voor real-time 3D scene-acquisitie)
FWO: G025914N (Widely tunable quantum cascade lasers based on filtered feedback through III-V/silicon hybrid integration)
IAP: Photonics@be (Photonics@be)
IAP-V: PHOTON (Photons and Photonics : from basic physics to system concepts)
IWT: GBOU (Generic Technologies for Plastic Photonics)
IWT: epSOC (electro-photonic System-On-Chip)
IWT: gemini
IWT: LIAM (hoogperformante Low cost Interconnectie componenten voor een nieuwe generatie Acces network producten, aangemaakt met Micro optische fabrikage)
IWT-SBO: PolySpec (Nanostructured polymer photovoltaic devices for efficient solar spectrum harvesting)
IWT-SBO: CheckPack (Integrated optical sensors in food packaging to simultaneously detect early-spoilage and check package integrity)
IWT-SBO: GlucoSens (Enabling technologies for continuous glucose monitoring using implantable single-chip optical sensors)
VLAIO: MEPIC (Model extraction to enable first-time right photonics integrated circuit design)
VLAIO: PerSpectrum (A perspective for diabetes patients by means of the light spectrum)
ACTS: BLISS (Broadband Lightwave Sources and Systems)
ACTS: APEX (Advanced Photonic Experimental X-connect)
ACTS: REPEAT (Regeneration of Pulse Shape, Amplitude and Timing)
ACTS: ACTUAL (Application and Control of Widely Tunable Lasers in HD WDM Networks)
ACTS: PHOTON (Paneuropean Photonic Transport Overlay Network)
ACTS: OPEN (Optical Pan-European Network)
COST: 268 (COST268)
COST: 267 (COST267)
COST: 240 (Techniques for modelling and measuring advanced telecommunications components)
COST: 288 (COST288) (Nanoscale and ultrafast photonics)
COST: COST MP0702 (Towards Functional Sub-Wavelength Photonic Structures)
COST: COST P11 (Physics of linear, non-linear andactive photonic crystals)
Dutch SmartMix : MEMPHIS (Merging Electronics and Micro&nano-PHotonics in Integrated Systems)
ECSEL: MICROPRINCE (micro transfer printing on 200mm wafers)
ERC-AdG: InSpectra (Silicon-photonics-based laser spectroscopy platform: towards a paradigm shift in environmental monitoring and health care)
ERC-CoG: PhotonicSWARM (Photonic Integrated Circuits using Scattered Waveguide elements in an Adaptive, Reconfigurable Mesh.)
ERC-POC: LIQUORICE (LIQuid-crystal enabled Universal Optical Reconfigurable Integrated Circuit Engineering)
ERC-PoC: MiraSpec (Miniature on-chip Raman spectrometer for personal volatile organic compound monitoring )
ERC-PoC: InBreathe (Integrated photonics for breath analysis)
ERC-PoC: Interdot (INTERconnects enhanced by colloidal qDOT based optical amplifier)
ERC-PoC: FireSpec (Integrated spectroscopic sensors for the risk assessment of fires)
ERC-PoC: CuP (Circuit-level Photonic design)
ERC-StG: ULPPIC (Ultra Low Power Photonic IC)
ERC-StG: NaResCo (Novel paradigms for massively parallel nanophotonic information processing: photonics reservoir computing)
ERC-StG: MIRACLE (Mid-InfraRed active photonic integrated cicuits for life sciences and environment)
ESA: ESTEC (Microphotonics for space applications)
ESA: ESTEC (Multigigabit Optical Backplane Interconnections)
ESPRIT: OIIC (Optically Interconnected Integrated Circuits)
ESPRIT: BREDSELs (Bright Red Surface Emitting Lasers)
FET FLAGSHIP: Graphene Flagship (Graphene Flagship)
FET OPEN: SURQUID (Super-Resolving Quantum Imaging and Detection)
FET-OPEN: SPICE (Developing Future Memory)
FET-PROACTIVE: HOT (Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies)
FP7: InTopSens (A highly integrated optical sensor for point of care label free identification of sepsis bacteria strains and their antibiotic resistance)
H2020: CALADAN (Micro assembled Terabit/s capable optical transceivers for Datacom applications)
H2020: Hydroptics (Photonics-based sensors for enhanced oil industry processes)
H2020: TERABOARD (High density scalable optically interconnected Tb/s Board)
H2020: MIRPHAB (MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications)
H2020: PIX4Life (Silicon nitride photonic integrated circuit pilot line for life science applications in the visible range)
H2020: AQUARIUS (Broadband tunable QCL based sensor for online and inline detection of contaminants in water)
H2020: TOPHIT (Transfer print operations for heterogeneous integration technologies)
H2020: Phresco (Photonic Reservoir Computing)
H2020: MORPHIC (MEMS-based zerO-power Reconfigurable Photonic ICs)
H2020 : CARDIS (Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics)
ICT: Plat4M (Photonic Libraries and Technologies for Manufacturing)
ICT: WADIMOS (WAvelength DIvision multiplexing optical layer on CMOS)
ICT: ESSenTIAL (Epixfab services specifically targeting (SME) industrial take-up of advanced silicon photonics)
ICT: SMARTFIBER (Miniaturized structural monitoring system with autonomous readout micro-technology and fiber sensor network)
ICT: SOFI (Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits)
ICT: CanDo (a CANcer Development mOnitor)
ICT: PhotonFAB (Silicon Photonic IC Fabless Access Broker)
ICT: HELIOS (pHotonics ELectronics functional Integration on CMOS)
ICT: Boom (Terabit-on-chip:integrated photonic routers)
ICT: HISTORIC (Heterogeneous InP on Silicon Technology for Optical Routing and LogIC)
ICT: POCKET (Development of a low-cost Point-Of-Care test for Tuberculosis detection)
ICT FP7: NAVOLCHI (Nano Scale Disruptive Silicon-Plasmonic Platform for Chip-to-Chip Interconnection)
ICT FP7: SWIFT (Non-volatile optical Switch combining Integrated Photonics and Fluidics Technologies)
IMI: Rapp-ID (Development of Rapid Point-of-Care Test Platforms for Infectious Diseases)
INTERREG: terafood (terahertz food sensors)
INTERREG: SAFESIDE (Analysesysteem voor branden en gaslekken op basis van infrarood spectroscopie)
IST: MONA (Merging Optics and Nanotechnologies)
IST: PICMOS (Photonic Interconnect Layer on CMOS by wafer-scale integration)
IST: SLAM (Super Laser Array Memory)
IST: ISOLASER (Optical Isolator monolithically integrated with DFB-laser)
IST: NEWTON (NEw Widely Tunable lasers for Optical Networks)
IST: IO (Interconnect by Optics)
IST: PICCO (Photonic Integrated Circuits using photonic Crystal Optics)
IST: ePIXnet (European Network of Excellence on Photonic Integrated Components and Circuits)
IST: FUNFOX (Functional Photonic Crystal Devices for Metropolitan Optical Networks)
IST: OLLA (organic LEDs for lighting applications)
IST: STOLAS (Switching Technologies for Optically LAbeled Signals)
ITN: PHONSI (Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation)
ITN: OMT (Optomechanica Technologies)
IUAP: IUAP-13 (Photonic Technologies for Advanced Information Systems)
NEDO: PhotoCryst (Topographic Optimization of photonic crystals and application to ultrasmall and ultra-fast optical signal processing devices)