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PhDs in 2024
Dennis Maes, Het overbruggen van de terahertz-kloof: hogesnelheidsfotodiodes op siliciumnitride, Bridging the Terahertz Gap: High-Speed Photodiodes on Silicon Nitride, (12/2024)
Iman Zand, Programmable Photonic Circuits: From MEMS Building Blocks to Software Control, Programmeerbare fotonische circuits: van MEMS-bouwblokken tot softwarecontrole, (12/2024)
Emiel Dieussaert, Contactloze foto-akoestische beeldvorming met op siliciumfotonica gebaseerde laser-doppler-vibrometrie, Non-Contact Photoacoustic Imaging Using Silicon Photonics-Based Laser Doppler Vibrometry, (12/2024)
Chao Pang, Waveguide-Coupled Photodetectors and Light Sources Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots: From Building Blocks to Advanced Demonstrators, (10/2024)
Cenk Ibrahim Ozdemir, III-V-fotodetectoren monolithisch geintegreerd op silicium voor interconnect-toepassingen, III-V Photodetectors Monolithically Integrated on Silicon for Interconnect Applications, (9/2024)
Emmanuel Gooskens, De golflengtedimensie in photonic reservoir computing, The Wavelength Dimension in Photonic Reservoir Computing, (5/2024)
Cheng-Han Wu, Integrated Photonic Modulators Based on Graphene and Other 2D Materials for Optical Interconnects, (3/2024)
Hong Deng, A Single-Chip Signal Processor in Silicon Photonics Technology, (2/2024)
