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Authors: S. Assefa, P.T. Rakich, P. Bienstman, S.G. Johnson, G.S. Petrich, J.D. Joannopoulos, L.A. Kolodziejski, E.P. Ippen
Title: Guiding 1.5 mu m light in photonic crystals based on dielectric rods
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 12/2004
Journal/Conference/Book: Applied Physics Letters
Volume(Issue): 85(25) p.6110-6112
DOI: 10.1063/1.1840107
Citations: 61 ( - last update: 2/3/2025)
38 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2025)
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Photonic-crystal structures consisting of dielectric rods were designed, fabricated, and optically characterized. The combination of the high refractive-index-contrast GaAs/AlxOy material system with electron-beam lithography enabled the fabrication of structures suitable for the optical propagation of 1.5 mum light. Experimental transmission spectra were obtained for structures consisting of a two-dimensional array of rods and line-defect waveguides. Optical measurements confirmed the presence of a photonic band gap, as well as band gap guidance in the line-defect waveguide. A two-stage coupling scheme facilitated efficient optical coupling into the line-defect waveguide.

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