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Authors: C. Desimpel, F. Beunis, H. Desmet, K. Neyts
Title: Experiments on azimuthal degenerated anchoring surfaces
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 9/2005
Journal/Conference/Book: Programme & Abstracts of the 16th Conference on Liquid Crystals (Chemistry, Physics & Applications)
Editor/Publisher: Military University of Technology Warschau, 
Volume(Issue): p.69
Location: Warschau, Poland
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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Classical rubbed alignment layers keep the liquid crystal director at the surface tightly in a fixed orientation. New applications require other types of alignment layers such as azimuthal degenerated anchoring surfaces. This contribution compares different alignment materials and methods to achieve such conditions for nematic liquid crystal devices. Existing techniques as well as new are examined. The aim is to obtain a surface anchoring where the director has a tendency to lie in the plane parallel to the glass surfaces, but without a preferential azimuthal direction. This is important to avoid the effects of memory and flow alignment and enables free rotation of the director at the surface of the liquid crystal. Applications are situated in the field of multistable wave plates, electrically controllable anchoring and reduction of the power consumption of liquid crystal displays.

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