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Authors: A. Mizutani, N. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe, N. Ozaki, Y. Takata, Y. Kitagawa, F. Van Laere, R. Baets, Y. Sugimoto, K. Asakawa
Title: Planar focusing lens grating for vertical coupling on 2D photonic crystal slab waveguide
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 10/2006
Journal/Conference/Book: 2006 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings
Volume(Issue): p.843-844
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
DOI: 10.1109/leos.2006.279069
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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Planar focusing lens gratings are investigated in order to realize an efficient coupling from an
optical fiber to a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab waveguide. The optimal gratings exhibit the
calculated coupling efficiency of 34%.

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