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Authors: D. Van Thourhout, T. Van Caenegem, L. Vanwassenhove, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets, C.G.P. Herben, X.J.M. Leijtens, J.W.M. Van Uffelen, M.K. Smit
Title: Realisation of multi-wavelength phased array laser by hybrid coupling of active and passive waveguide chips
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 6/1998
Journal/Conference/Book: 1998 Annual IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter Workshop - Integrated Optics and Passive Micro-Optics
Volume(Issue): p.20
Location: Brugge, Belgium
Internal Reference: [O-759]
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar

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