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Authors: A. Subramanian, P. Neutens, A. Dhakal, R. Jansen, T. Claes, X. Rottenberg, F. Peyskens, S. Selvaraja, P. Helin, B. Du Bois, K. Leyssens, S. Severi, P. Deshpande, R. Baets, P. Van Dorpe
Title: Low-loss singlemode PECVD silicon nitride photonic wire waveguides for 532-900 nm wavelength window fabricated within a CMOS pilot line
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 10/2013
Journal/Conference/Book: IEEE Photonics Journal
Volume(Issue): 5(6) p.2202809
DOI: 10.1109/jphot.2013.2292698
Citations: 219 ( - last update: 14/7/2024)
189 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2024)
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PECVD silicon nitride photonic wire waveguides have been fabricated in a CMOS pilot line. Both clad and unclad single mode wire waveguides were measured at λ=532 nm, 780 nm and 900 nm respectively. The dependence of loss on wire width, wavelength and cladding is discussed in detail. Cladded multimode and singlemode waveguides show a loss well below 1 dB/cm in the 532-900 nm wavelength range. For singlemode unclad waveguides losses < 1 dB/cm was achieved at λ=900 nm whereas losses were measured in the range of 1-3 dB/cm for λ=780 and 532 nm respectively.

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