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Authors: P. De Heyn, J. Luo, S. Di Lucente, N. Calabretta, H.J.S Dorren, D. Van Thourhout
Title: In-Band Label Extractor Based on Cascaded Si Ring Resonators Enabling 160Gb/s Optical Packet Switching Modules
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 3/2014
Journal/Conference/Book: Journal of Lightwave Technology
DOI: 10.1109/jlt.2014.2307576
Citations: 5 ( - last update: 2/2/2025)
4 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2025)
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Photonic integration of optical packet switching
modules is crucial to compete with existing electronic switching fabrics in large data center networks. The approach of coding the forwarding packet information in an in-band label enables a spectral-efficient and scalable way of building low-latency large port count modular optical packet switching architecture. We
demonstrate the error-free operation of the four in-band label extraction from 160 Gb/s optical data packets based on photonic integrated silicon-on-insulator ring resonators. Four low-loss
cascaded ring resonators using the quasi-TM mode are used as very narrow-bandwidth filters to ensure the detection of four optical labels as well as the error-free forwarding of the payload at limited power penalty. Due to the low-loss and less-confined
optical quasi-TM mode the resonators can have small bandwidth with low insertion loss. The effect of the bandwidth of the four ring resonators on the quality of the payload is investigated. We show that using four rings with a quality factor of 76000 and only an insertion loss of 3 dB, the distortion on the payload is limited (< 1.5 dB power penalty), even when the resonances are placed very close to the packet’s central wavelength (in-band). We also investigate the optical power requirements for error-free detection of the label as function of their spectral position relative to the center of the payload. The successful in-band positioning of the labels makes this component very scalable in amount of labels.

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