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Authors: S. Uvin, S. Keyvaninia, F. Lelarge, G. Duan, B. Kuyken, G. Roelkens
Title: Narrow line width frequency comb source based on an injection-locked III-V-on-silicon mode-locked laser
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 3/2016
Journal/Conference/Book: Optics Express
Volume(Issue): 24(5) p.5277-5286
DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.005277
Citations: 18 ( - last update: 16/2/2025)
16 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2025)
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In this paper, we report the optical injection locking of an L-band (∼1580 nm) 4.7 GHz III–V-on-silicon mode-locked laser with a narrow line width continuous wave (CW) source. This technique allows us to reduce the MHz optical line width of the mode-locked laser longitudinal modes down to the line width of the source used for injection locking, 50 kHz. We show that more than 50 laser lines generated by the mode-locked laser are coherent with the narrow line width CW source. Two locking techniques are explored. In a first approach a hybrid mode-locked laser is injection-locked with a CW source. In a second approach, light from a modulated CW source is injected in a passively mode-locked laser cavity. The realization of such a frequency comb on a chip enables transceivers for high spectral efficiency optical communication.

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