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Authors: R. Baets
Title: Silicon Photonics and its Applications in Life Science
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 4/2017
Journal/Conference/Book: European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO'2017) (invited)
Volume(Issue): p.paper T7.3 (2 pages)
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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With the technology of silicon photonics gaining maturity there is a tendency to consider it as a generic technology that can serve a diverse range of markets, not only in datacom and telecom, but also in sensors, biosensors and biomedical instruments. The driver is always the same: create compact and low-cost integrated circuits with a functionality and performance at par with otherwise bulky and costly implementations. Examples of this trend include PIC’s for sensing bioparticles such as proteins and DNA, PIC’s for spectroscopic detection of various molecules (glucose, ammonia, markers for food spoilage etc), PIC’s for optical coherence tomography or for laser Doppler vibrometry.

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