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Authors: E. Dieussaert, R. Baets, Y. Li
Title: Silicon photonics-based Laser Doppler Vibrometer for non-contact photoacoustic sensing
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 3/2023
Journal/Conference/Book: Proc. SPIE 12425, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2023
Editor/Publisher: SPIE, 
Volume(Issue): 12425 p.124250C
Location: San Fransisco, United States
DOI: 10.1117/12.2648991
Citations: 1 ( - last update: 22/9/2024)
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Sensitive optical vibrometers have been proven to be a key component for enabling non-contact photoa-
coustic sensing. However, most reported vibrometers use free-space optics, which are too bulky and costly
for many applications. In this paper, we demonstrate the detection of photoacoustic signals with a photonic
integrated circuit (PIC)-based Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV), realized on a silicon-on-insulator platform.
The photoacoustic signals are generated from a phantom with an embedded absorbing target. We report a
linear correlation between the detected photoacoustic signals and the absorber concentration, which proves
that PIC-based LDVs can be used for compact and non-contact photoacoustic sensing.

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