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Authors: M. Kandil, M. Dahlem, W. Bogaerts
Title: System trade-offs in a swept source FMCW LiDAR with dispersive OPA beam steering
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 1/2024
Journal/Conference/Book: SPIE Photonics West - OPTO (invited)
Editor/Publisher: SPIE, 
Volume(Issue): 12890 p.12890-43
Location: San Francisco, United States
DOI: 10.1117/12.3002492
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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A solid-state FMCW LiDAR system on a photonic chip can be subdivided into its scanning engine and ranging engine. The scanning engine consists of the laser source and beam steering optics, while the ranging engine consists of a modulated transmitted signal and a coherent receiver. Here, we present the practical considerations of using the wavelength of a swept laser source for both FMCW ranging and beam steering with a dispersive optical phased array. Controlling both functions with a single variable (the laser wavelength) is very attractive from a system perspective. We also discuss the performance advantages of our approach compared to more conventional FMCW LiDAR systems. We analyze the various trade-offs and constraints due to the coupling of the parameters of the scanning engine and the ranging engine. In addition, we model the imperfections along the optical signal path. The model is then used to analyze the impact of the system parameters on the LiDAR performance metrics.

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