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Authors: C. Wu, T. Reep, S. Brems, D. Yudistira, J. Van Campenhout, I. Asselberghs, C. Huyghebaert, M. Pantouvaki, Z. Wang, D. Van Thourhout
Title: Graphene-based Silicon Photonic Electro-Absorption Modulators and Phase Modulators
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 6/2024
Journal/Conference/Book: IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Editor/Publisher: IEEE, 
Volume(Issue): 30(4) p.1-13
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2024.3411058
Citations: 2 ( - last update: 2/3/2025)
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Since their first demonstration, graphene-based silicon waveguide modulators have evolved towards very attractive devices for adoption in future optical interconnects. In this paper, we first review state-of-the-art for graphene-based intensity modulators. Two important device configurations are considered: one using a single graphene layer, biased through the silicon waveguide itself and one using a capacitive stack of two graphene layers, which can be integrated on passive silicon and silicon nitride waveguides. We also discuss our recent work on fabricating such devices fully in a CMOS pilot line. In a next section, we review graphene-based phase modulators. Again, we compare the two types of modulators, involving a single or double graphene layer stack. In addition, we present new results, comparing modulators integrated on standard strip waveguides with modulators integrated on slot waveguides, which allow for a higher confinement of the optical field. Finally, we summarize our findings and present and outlook for the field, based on simulated results.g

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