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Authors: A. Abass, C. Trompoukis, S. Leyre, M. Burgelman, B. Maes
Title: Modeling combined coherent and incoherent scattering structures for light trapping in solar cells
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 7/2013
Journal/Conference/Book: Journal of Applied Physics
Editor/Publisher: American Institute of Physics (AIP), 
Volume(Issue): 114 p.033101
DOI: 10.1063/1.4813102
Citations: 19 ( - last update: 9/2/2025)
19 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2025)
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Current structures for solar cells or LEDs often incorporate layers of various optical regimes, with
a mixture of coherent, partially coherent or incoherent behavior. We developed a simple and
efficient calculation method to study such combined solar cell structures with both wave and ray
optics sections. These One-Pass Coherent calculations take wave effects into account where they
matter the most, while avoiding a large computational domain to model rough structures. The
method simulates a general diffuser by working directly with the reflected wavefronts, instead of
using its geometry. We utilize this method to study thin film silicon solar cell structures with a
grating on the front and a diffuser at the back. More absorption is obtained with the combined light
trapping scheme of appropriate characteristics, compared with grating-only or diffuser-only
counterparts. Finally, we report a significant effect of incoherence on the absorption of fairly thin
(10 lm) cells. We demonstrate that partially incoherent light can be more efficiently absorbed
than fully coherent light on average over a broad wavelength range. It turns out that the scarcity of
guided modes for fully coherent light can hinder the grating enhancement, leading to a consistently
better performance when light coherence is limited or lost.

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