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Authors: S. Radosavljevic, N. Teigell Beneitez, A. Katumba, M. Muneeb, M. Vanslembrouck, B. Kuyken, G. Roelkens
Title: A mid-infrared Vernier racetrack resonator tunable filter implemented on a Germanium on SOI waveguide platform
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 4/2018
Journal/Conference/Book: Optical Materials Express (invited)
Volume(Issue): 8(4) p.824-835
DOI: 10.1364/ome.8.000824
Citations: 35 ( - last update: 2/2/2025)
29 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2025)
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Currently, most widely tunable lasers rely on an external diffraction grating to tune the laser wavelength. In this paper we present the realization of a chip-scale Vernier tunable racetrack resonator filter on the Ge-on-SOI waveguide platform, that allows for wide tuning (108 nm free spectral range) in the 5 μm wavelength range without any moving parts. The fabricated racetrack resonators have a Q-factor of 20000, resulting in a side-peak suppression of more than 20 dB, which is more than sufficient for wavelength selection in an external cavity lase.

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