Authors: | A. Rahim, A. Abbasi, M. Shahin, N. Sequeira Andre, A. Richter, J. Van Kerrebrouck, K. Van Gasse, A. Katumba, B. Moeneclaey, Xin Yin, G. Morthier, R. Baets, G. Roelkens | Title: | 50 Gb/s DMT and 120 Mb/s LTE signal transmission over 5 km of optical fiber using a silicon photonics transceiver | Format: | International Conference Proceedings | Publication date: | 7/2018 | Journal/Conference/Book: | Advanced Photonics Congress
| Editor/Publisher: | Optical Society of America, | Volume(Issue): | p.IW1B.4 | Location: | Zurich, Switzerland | DOI: | 10.1364/iprsn.2018.iw1b.4 | Citations: | 1 ( - last update: 9/2/2025) 1 (OpenCitations - last update: 19/4/2025) Look up on Google Scholar
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Combined DMT and LTE data is transmitted over 5km SSMF using a directly modulated InP-on-Si laser and a silicon photonics receiver. We demonstrate DMT net capacity of 50 Gb/s while keeping the LTE EVM below 1% Related Research Topics