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Dr. ir. Bram De Geyter (Doctoral Researcher)
This person worked in the group from 2007 till 2012.
Specific Research Topics
Publications (23)International Journals
B. De Geyter, K. Komorowska, E. Brainis, P. Emplit, P. Geiregat, A. Hassinen, Z. Hens, D. Van Thourhout,
From fabrication to mode mapping in silicon nitride microdisk with embedded colloidal quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 101(16), p.161101~4 doi:10.1063/1.4758990 (2012)
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B. De Geyter, Houtepen, Arjan J., Carrillo, Sergio, P. Geiregat, Gao, Yunan, Ten Cate, Sybren, Schins, Juleon M., D. Van Thourhout, Delerue, Cristophe, Siebbeles, Laurens D.A., Hens, Zeger,
Broadband and Picosecond Intraband Relaxation in Lead-Based Colloidal Quantum Dots, ACS Nano, 6(7), p.6067–6074 doi:10.1021/nn301149x (2012)
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S.R.K. Rodriguez, G. Lozano, M.A. Verschuuren, R. Gomes, K. Lambert, B. De Geyter, A. Hassinen, D. Van Thourhout, Z. Hens, J. Gómez Rivas,
Quantum rod emission coupled to plasmonic lattice resonances: A collective directional source of polarized light, Applied Physics Letters, 100(11), p.111103 doi:10.1063/1.3693397 (2012)
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S. Abé, R. K. Capek, B. De Geyter, Z. Hens,
Tuning the Postfocused Size of Colloidal Nanocrystals by the Reaction Rate: From Theory to Application, ACS Nano, ASAP, doi:10.1021/nn204008q (2011).
I. Moreels, Y. Justo, B. De Geyter, K. Haustraete, J. C. Martins, Z. Hens,
Size-tunable, bright, and stable PbS quantum dots: A surface chemistry study, ACS Nano, 5(3), p.2004-2012 doi:10.1021/nn103050w (2011).
B. De Geyter, Y. Justo, I. Moreels, K. Lambert, P. F. Smet, D. Van Thourhout, A. J. Houtepen, D. Grodzinska, C. de Mello Donega, A. Meijerink, D. Vanmaekelbergh, Z. Hens,
The Different Nature of Band Edge Absorption and Emission in Colloidal PbSe/CdSe Core/Shell Quantum Dots, ACS Nano, 5(1), p.58-66 doi:10.1021/nn102980e (2010)
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B. De Geyter, Z. Hens,
The absorption coefficient of PbSe/CdSe core/shell colloidal quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 97, p.161908 doi:10.1063/1.3499754 (2010)
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I. Moreels, G. Allan, B. De Geyter, L. Wirtz, C. Delerue, Z. Hens,
Dielectric function of colloidal lead chalcogenide quantum dots obtained by a Kramers-Krönig analysis of the absorbance spectrum, Physical Review B, 81, p.235319 doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.235319 (2010).
I. Moreels, B. De Geyter, D. Van Thourhout, Z. Hens,
Transmission of a quantum-dot-silicon-on-insulator hybrid notch filter, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 26(6), p.1243-1247 doi:10.1364/josab.26.001243 (2009)
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K. Lambert, B. De Geyter, I. Moreels, Z. Hens,
PbTe|CdTe core|shell particles by cation exchange, a HR-TEM study, Chemistry of Materials, 21(5), p.778-780 doi:10.1021/cm8029399 (2009)
International Conferences
B. De Geyter, P. Geiregat, K. Komorowska, A. Hassinen, E. Brainis, D. Van Thourhout, Z. Hens,
Embedding Colloidal Nanocrystals in Silicon Nitride Micro-Disk Resonators: From mode-mapping to single dot spectroscopy, EMRS Spring Meeting, France, (2013).
B. De Geyter, P. Geiregat, Y. Gao, S. ten Cate, A.J. Houtepen, J. M. Schins, D. Van Thourhout, L. D.A. Siebbeles, Z. Hens,
Broadband and picosecond intraband absorption in lead based colloidal quantum dots, 14th International Conference on Transparant Optical Networks (ICTON 2012) (invited), United Kingdom, p.paper Th.A5.4 doi:10.1109/icton.2012.6254469 (2012)
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P. Geiregat, B. De Geyter, S. Carillo, A. Houtepen, Y. Gao, S. Ten Cate, J. Schins, D. Van Thourhout, C. Delerue, L. Siebbeles, Z. Hens,
Broadband and Picosecond Intraband Relaxation in Lead Chalcogenide Nanocrystals, International Quantum Dot Conference 2012, (2012).
B. De Geyter, S. Abé, Z. Hens,
Postfocused Nanocrystal Diameter Tuning through Control of the Reaction Rate and the Solubility: Experiment vs. Realistic Modeling, MRS Fall Meeting 2011, United States, (2011)
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B. De Geyter, P. Geiregat, A. J. Houtepen, D. Van Thourhout, L. Siebbeles, Z. Hens,
Ultrafast Photoinduced Intraband Absorption in PbS, PbSe and PbSe/CdSe Core/Shell Nanocrystals for near-Infrared to Mid-Infrared All-Optical Signal Processing, MRS Fall Meeting 2011, United States, (2011)
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B. De Geyter, K. Komorowska, Z. Hens, D. Van Thourhout,
Hybrid Silicon Nitride and Colloidal Nanocrystal Waveguides and Microdisks: A Highly Versatile Test Bed for Visible to near-Infrared Active Integrated Photonics, MRS Fall Meeting 2011, United States, (2011)
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B. De Geyter, Y. Justo, S. Flamée, Z. Hens,
The Absorption Coefficient of PbSe/CdSe and PbS/CdS Core/shell Colloidal Quantum Dots, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, France, (2011).
S. Abé, R. K. Capek, B. De Geyter, Z. Hens,
Size Tuning at Full Yield in the Hot Injection Synthesis through a Facile Adjustment of the Nucleation Event, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, France, (2011).
B. De Geyter, D. Van Thourhout, Y. Justo, I. Moreels, Z. Hens,
The Different Nature of Band Edge Absorption and Emission in Colloidal PbSe/CdSe Core/shell Quantum Dots, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, France, (2011).
B. De Geyter, Y. Justo, D. Grodzinska, I. Moreels, K. Lambert, P. F. Smet, D. Van Thourhout, A. Meijerink, C. de Mello Donega, D. Vanmaekelbergh, Z. Hens,
Band Alignment of Colloidal PbSe/CdSe Core/shell Quantum Dots, NanaX 4, Germany, (2010).
I. Moreels, P. Knockaert, B. De Geyter, D. Van Thourhout, Z. Hens,
Colloidal semiconductor quantum dots: from synthesis to photonic applications, Proceedings Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2008, Netherlands, p.191-194 (2008)
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B. De Geyter, I. Moreels, A. Meijerink, D. Van Thourhout, Z. Hens,
Core/shell colloidal quantum dots for silicon compatible lasers, Proceedings Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2008, Netherlands, p.143-146 (2008)
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B. De Geyter,
Silicon compatible laser based on colloidal quantum dots, ePIXnetSpring School '08, Technology for Photonics Integration, Italy, p.65 - poster nr.33 (2008)
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