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Ir. Yishu Huang (Doctoral Researcher)
This person is working in this group since 2022.
Affiliation: | imec CSO-TENUREQP | Address: | Kapeldreef 75 3000 Leuven Belgium | Office: | imec tower, Office I5/06.03 | E-mail: | yishu.huang@ugent.be | Research Area: | Photonics devices based on 2D material | Promotors: | Dries Van Thourhout
Christian Haffner
Yishu received BSc in 2019 at Tianjin University, China. After that he started research about hybrid plasmonic modulators based on Silicon and transparent conductive oxide at Zhejiang University, China. In 2022 he received MEng and joined Photonics Research Group as PhD student, working on 2D materials in imec, Leuven. His supervisors are Prof. Dries Van Thourhout @UGent and Dr. Christian Haffner @imec.Specific Research Topics
Publications (4)
International Conferences
Y. Huang, T. Reep, H. Tsai, J. De Coster, S. Brems, I. Asselberghs, K. Tielrooij, D. Van Thourhout, C. Haffner,
Demonstration of Graphene Waveguide Photodetector Based on Photothermoelectric Effect, accepted for publication in Optica Advanced Photonics Congress, Canada, (to be published).
T. Reep, C. Wu, Y. Huang, Y. Guo, C. Haffner, B. Kuyken, D. Van Thourhout,
Enhancing modulation efficiency and reducing transmission penalty in double-layer graphene modulators through waveguide mode shifting, accepted for publication in Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Belgium, (to be published).
T. Reep, C. Wu, Y. Huang, Y. Guo, C. Haffner, B. Kuyken, D. Van Thourhout,
Transmission penalty optimization in a double-layer graphene slot modulator through mode-shifting, Graphene week, Sweden, (2023).
C. Wu, Y. Huang, Z. Wang, S. Brems, J. Van Campenhout, M. Pantouvaki, D. Van Thourhout,
Dual single layer graphene Mach-Zehnder modulator with high efficiency and gigahertz bandwidth., Graphene Week 2023, Sweden, (2023)
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