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Authors: T. Reep, C. Wu, Y. Huang, Y. Guo, C. Haffner, B. Kuyken, D. Van Thourhout
Title: Enhancing modulation efficiency and reducing transmission penalty in double-layer graphene modulators through waveguide mode shifting
Format: International Conference Poster
Publication date: Accepted for publication. Not yet published
Journal/Conference/Book: Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter
Location: Drongen, Belgium
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar


This paper presents simulation results demonstrating how mode-shifting through a silicon slab on top of a slot waveguide design can improve the modulation efficiency and transmission penalty of a double-layer graphene modulator integrated on a 220 nm thick silicon-on-insulator platform. By changing the waveguide geometry the optical overlap of the mode with graphene can be tuned. An example of this is shown in this paper using TE slot waveguides which have an enhanced modulation efficiency. The transmission penalty, a figure of merit relating insertion loss and extinction ratio, did not improve for these devices, which is caused by a significant evanescent tail of the mode of a slot waveguide.

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