IST: FUNFOXFull Name: Functional Photonic Crystal Devices for Metropolitan Optical Networks Duration: 1/7/2004-30/6/2007 (Finished) Partners: - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut d'Optique (CNRS) (coordinator)
- Alcatel-CIT
- St. Andrews University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz-Institut
- University of Udine
- University of Würzburg, Technische Physik
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, IPEQ
- Photon Design Ltd
Objective: - The overall objectives of the FUNFOX project consist in demonstrating functional, miniaturised and potentially low-cost components, based both on substrate and membrane approaches, for applications in metropolitan optical networks.
INTEC's Role: - Develop a process for integrating 2D fiber couplers-polarisation splitters with low-index contrast InP photonic crystal devices.
Project Web site: People involved
Research topics involved