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Authors: E.M.P. Ryckeboer, A. Gassenq, N. Hattasan, B. Kuyken, Cerutti Laurent, Rodriguez Jean-Baptiste, Tournie Eric, G. Roelkens, W. Bogaerts, R. Baets
Title: Integrated spectrometer and integrated detectors on Silicon-on-Insulator for short-wave infrared applications
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 5/2012
Journal/Conference/Book: CLEO
Volume(Issue): p.CTu1A.3
Location: San Diego, United States
DOI: 10.1364/cleo_si.2012.ctu1a.3
Citations: 4 ( - last update: 14/7/2024)
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We present a miniature spectrometer fabricated on a Silicon-on-Insulator substrate with
center wavelength at 2.15 ìm. The spectrometer is a planar concave grating (PCG) with 6
channels and 4 nm channel spacing with a crosstalk of -12 dB. We investigate heterogeneously
integrated grating-assisted GaInAsSb photodiodes for future implementation as detector array.

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