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Authors: L. Bogaert, J. Verbist, K. Van Gasse, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens
Title: Germanium Photodetector with Monolithically Integrated Narrowband Matching Network on a Silicon Photonics Platform
Format: International Conference Poster
Publication date: 4/2019
Journal/Conference/Book: European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2019)
Volume(Issue): 21 p.W.P01.11
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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High data rate transceivers typically consist of a system with hybrid integration of the electronics and photonics. Impedance levels provided by the opto-electronic device are often not the same as the levels desired by the electronic circuit. This mismatch introduces suboptimal operation and can even be detrimental for the overall system performance. Consequently, a matching circuit is often implemented on the electronic IC together with the main electronic functionality. Direct RF matching of the opto-electronic devices on the photonic IC has the potential to significantly reduce the overall system cost as the area cost of photonic chips is much lower. In this paper, narrowband LC-matching is shown for a germanium photodetector on the iSiPP50G silicon photonics platform to convert the output impedance to a more standard 50 Ω impedance level at 30 GHz. By tuning the photodetector reverse biasing voltage between 0 Volt and 3 Volt, a reflection coefficient lower than -20 dB is obtained over the frequency range between 24.3 and 30.4 GHz.

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