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Authors: Y. Shi, M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout, D. Colucci, M. Baryshnikova, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout
Title: Loss-coupled DFB nano-ridge laser monolithically grown on a standard 300-mm Si wafer
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 5/2021
Journal/Conference/Book: Optics Express
Volume(Issue): 29(10) p.14649-14657
DOI: 10.1364/OE.422245
Citations: 8 ( - last update: 2/2/2025)
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We present a loss-coupled distributed feedback microlaser, monolithically grown on a standard 300-mm Si wafer using nano-ridge engineering. The cavity is formed by integrating a metallic grating on top of the nano-ridge. This allows forming a laser cavity without etching the III-V material, avoiding damaged interfaces and the associated carrier loss. Simulations, supported by experimental characterisation of the modal gain of the nano-ridge devices, predict an optimal duty cycle for the grating of ~0.4, providing a good trade-off between coupling strength and cavity loss for the lasing mode. The model was experimentally verified by characterising the lasing threshold and external efficiency of devices exhibiting gratings with varying duty cycle. The high modal gain and low threshold obtained prove the excellent quality of the epitaxial material. Furthermore, the low loss metal grating might provide a future route to electrical injection and efficient heat dissipation of these nanoscale devices.

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