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Ir. Davide Colucci  (Doctoral Researcher)

This person is working in this group since 2019.
Affiliation: Ghent University - IMEC
Department of Information Technology
Address: Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
9052  Ghent
Office: iGent, Office 140.009
Phone: 09 264 33 26
Promotors: Dries Van Thourhout and Kunert Bernardette
DavideColucci was born in Brindisi, Italy, in 1994. He received in April 2017 theBachelor Degree in Physics from the University of Padova with the thesis "Studyof charge transport in Lithium Niobate by Monte Carlo simulation". He moved toBelgium in September 2017 to start the European Master of Science in Photonics,a joint degree between VUB and Ghent University. He received his Master Degreein September 2019 with the thesis "A Monolithic Integrated III-V PhotonicCrystal Laser on Silicon".

Specific Research Topics

Publications (9)

    International Journals

  1. Y. De Koninck, C. Caer, D. Yudistira, M. Baryshnikova, S. Kanta Patra, H. Sar, P. Hsieh, N. Kuznetsova, D. Colucci, A. Milenin, A. Yimam, G. Morthier, D. Van Thourhout, P. Verheyen, B. Kunert, J. Van Campenhout, GaAs nano-ridge laser diodes fully fabricated in a 300mm CMOS pilot line, Nature, 637, p.63-69 doi:10.1038/s41586-024-08364-2 (2025)  Download this Publication (8.9MB).
  2. Z. Ouyang, D. Colucci, E.M.B. Fahmy, A. Yimam, J. Van Campenhout, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout, InGaAs/GaAs nano-ridge laser with an amorphous silicon grating monolithically grown on a 300mm Si wafer , Optics Letters, (2024)  Download this Publication (4.1MB).
  3. D. Colucci, M. Baryshnikova, Y. Shi, Y. Mols, M. Muneeb, Y. De Koninck, D. Yudistira, M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout, R. Langer, D. Van Thourhout, B. Kunert, Unique design approach to realize an O-band laser monolithically integrated on 300 mm Si substrate by nano-ridge engineering, Optics Express, 30(8), p.13510-13521 doi:10.1364/OE.454795 (2022)  Download this Publication (7.3MB).
  4. Y. Shi, M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout, D. Colucci, M. Baryshnikova, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout, Loss-coupled DFB nano-ridge laser monolithically grown on a standard 300-mm Si wafer, Optics Express, 29(10), p.14649-14657 doi:10.1364/OE.422245 (2021)  Download this Publication (2.8MB).
      International Conferences

    1. Z. Ouyang, D. Colucci, E.M.B. Fahmy, A. Yimam, J. Van Campenhout, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout, Compact 1.31 μm-emission In0.45Ga0.55As/ In0.25Ga0.75As photonic crystal nano-ridge laser monolithically grown on 300 mm silicon substrate, SPIE Europe 2024, France, p.130120D (2024)  Download this Publication (774KB).
    2. Z. Ouyang, E. Fahmy, D. Colucci, A. Yimam, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout, Side-amorphous-silicon-grating InGaAs/GaAs nano-ridge distributed feedback laser monolithically grown on 300 mm silicon substrate, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2023, China, p.paper ACPPOEM 0731-152 (3 pages) (2023)  Download this Publication (563KB).
    3. Z. Ouyang, E. Fahmy, D. Colucci, A. Yimam, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout, Top-amourous-silicon-grating InGaAs+GaAs nano-ridge distributed feedback laser monolithically grown on 300 mm silicon substrate, IEEE Photonic Benelux Annual Symposium, Netherlands, (2022)  Download this Publication (265KB).
    4. D. Colucci, Y. Shi, M. Baryshnikova, Y. Mols, M. Muneeb, Y. De Koninck, M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout, InGaAs nano-ridge laser emitting in the telecom O-band monolithically grown on a 300 mm Si wafer, 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe-EQEC), p.paper CB-6.2 THU (2021)  Download this Publication (2.5MB).
    5. B. Kunert, D. Colucci, M. Baryshnikova, Y. Mols, R. Alcotte, D. Van Thourhout, C. Ozdemir, Y. De Koninck, M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout, A. Vais, S. Yadav, A. Sibaja-Hernandez, B. Parvais, N. Collaert, R. Langer, III/V Nano-Ridge Engineering for Device Integration on 300 mm Silicon, Compound Semiconductor Week (invited), Sweden, (2021).
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