IST: NEWTONFull Name: NEw Widely Tunable lasers for Optical Networks Duration: 1/9/2001-1/3/2005 (Finished) Partners: - IMEC - University of Gent (INTEC)- Belgium
- Intune Technologies Ltd. - Ireland
- Technische Universität München (Walter Schottky Institute) - Germany
- Syntune - Sweden
Objective: - To develop and experimentally investigate new types of widely tunable laser diodes which are expected not to exhibit the disadvantages of existing types. A total of three new concepts for widely tunable laser diodes will be investigated in the project.
INTEC's Role: - Project coordination
- Design and characterisation of new widely tunable TTG and Y-branch laser diodesDesign
- Fabrication and characterisation of widely tunable ring resonator sampled grating filter
- Grating fabrication for widely tunable TTG laser diode.
Project Web site: People involved
Research topics involved