IST: IOFull Name: Interconnect by Optics Duration: 1/9/2001-1/8/2004 (Finished) Partners: - IMEC participates in this project with three groups:
- Ghent University, department of Information Technology (INTEC)
- Ghent University, department of ELIS, TFCG group
- Ghent University, department of ELIS, Paris group
- Alcatel Bell N.V.
- Avalon Photonics Ltd
- Opto Speed SA
- Helix AG
- FCI 's hertogenbosch, more specific the Fiber optic division.
- Nexans
- R.C.I
- PPC Electronic AG
- Commisariat à l'Energie Atomique CEA (LETI), more specific the optronic department.
Objective: - We will develop an optical interconnect family for a high data rate, 2D array optical interconnect between ICs, applicable at the IC-access, board level and at the board-to-board level. The approach is based on optical waveguides that are integrable with printed circuit boards, either as a post-solder build-up extension or as a solder-compatible optical layer. The optical waveguides will be based on novel Plastic Optical Fibres, and on advanced layered Glass Sheets with waveguides. Key target parameters aimed for are: channel density from 16/mm 2 (first generation) to 64/mm 2 , number of channels (at optical interfaces) ranging from 64 (first generation), to 256, data rate between 1.25 Gb/s and 2.5 Gb/s or higher. We will demonstrate a complete optical interconnect technology family in a major application area, being that of core IP routers.
INTEC's Role: - Prime contractor
- Development of packaginig techniques for optical interface to CMOS IC
- Modelling of parallel optical interconnections
Project Web site: People involved
Research topics involved