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Authors: P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, P. Jaenen, S. Beckx, J. Wouters
Title: A nanophotonic 4x4 wavelength router in silicon-on-insulator
Format: National Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 11/2005
Journal/Conference/Book: 6th UGent-FirW Doctoraatssymposium
Volume(Issue): p.38 (paper nr. 27)
Location: Gent, Belgium
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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We fabricated and packaged a very compact 4x4 wavelength router in Silicon-on-insulator. This device is for use in a 10 gigabit/s optical backplane interconnect based on tuneable lasers and wavelength routing. Fabrication was done using CMOS compatible processes, enabling volume fabrication. The router consists of a very compact arrayed waveguide grating using submicron waveguides and bend radii of just 3µm. This is achieved by exploiting the very high refractive index contrast. By applying a double etch scheme, the insertion loss of the arrayed waveguide grating has been reduced to 3.5dB for the best routing path. Vertical fibre couplers are used to interface to an standard eight-fibre array connector. The resulting total fibre-to-fibre insertion loss of the router is 12.5dB. The crosstalk level is still -12 to -14dB, which is within spec for the envisaged application.

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