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Authors: S. Kumari, Johan Gustavsson, R. Wang, Emanual Haglund , Petter Westbergh, D. Sanchez, Eric Haglund, Asa Haglund, Jorgen. Bengtsson, N. Le Thomas, G. Roelkens, Anders Larsson, R. Baets
Title: Integration of GaAs-based VCSEL array on SiN platform with HCG reflectors for WDM applications
Format: International Conference Presentation
Publication date: 2/2015
Journal/Conference/Book: SPIE Photonics West
Location: San Francisco, United States
DOI: 10.1117/12.2077090
Citations: 7 ( - last update: 14/7/2024)
2 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2024)
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We present a GaAs-based VCSEL, BCB bonded to a Si3N4 waveguide platform, where one DBR is substituted by a free-standing Si3N4 high-contrast-grating (HCG) reflector made in the waveguide layer. This design enables solutions for on chip spectroscopic sensing and dense integration of 850-nm WDM transmitters, where individual channel wavelengths are set by varying the HCG parameters. RCWA shows that a 300-nm-thick Si3N4 HCG with 800-nm period and 40% duty cycle reflects strongly (>99%). A design with a standing-optical-field minima at the III/V-material/airgap interface maximizes the HCG’s influence on the VCSEL wavelength, allowing for a 15-nm-wide wavelength setting range with low threshold gain (<1000 cm-1).

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