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Authors: I. Zand, X. Chen, W. Bogaerts
Title: Application-specific Scaling in Programmable Photonic Circuits
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 6/2020
Journal/Conference/Book: European Conference on Integrated Optics
Volume(Issue): p.10.3
Location: Paris, France
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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We performed a scaling analysis of programmable hexagonal two-dimensional (2D) waveguide meshes with different shapes. We show that the shape of the meshes can impose restrictions such as high path losses or large foot-prints for certain configurations and applications. We use the graph-based strategy to guide our applicationspecific scaling analysis. The design practices are discussed for implementing the programmable mesh for beam splitters and NxN switches. This will provide a guideline of the shape and size for the future programmable photonic circuits.

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