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Publication detail

Authors: Z. Liu, J. Zhang, G. Roelkens, N. Le Thomas, R. Baets
Title: Bottom-reflector enhanced grating couplers micro-transfer printed on silicon nitride photonic integrated circuits
Format: International Journal
Publication date: Accepted for publication. Not yet published
Journal/Conference/Book: Journal of Lightwave Technology
Editor/Publisher: IEEE, 
DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2024.3401629
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar


We demonstrate a new post-processing approach to efficiently couple light in silicon nitride (Si3N4 ) photonic integrated circuits (PIC) via grating couplers add-ons. Thin-film coupons of apodised Si 3 N 4 grating couplers enhanced with metallic bottom reflectors and adiabatic couplers are micro-transfer printed onto the input and output of Si 3 N 4 waveguides, providing efficient coupling without impacting the rest of the PIC. Two-dimensional FDTD simulations predict coupling efficiencies as large as 62.4 % (-2.0 dB) at a wavelength of 785 nm with a coupling optical fiber tilted at 10 ∘ . As a proof-of-concept, we report an experimental coupling efficiency of -2.1 dB which is 3 dB better than the value obtained with standard designs of grating couplers.

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