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Authors: Z. Ouyang, D. Colucci, E.M.B. Fahmy, A. Yimam, J. Van Campenhout, B. Kunert, D. Van Thourhout
Title: Compact 1.31 μm-emission In0.45Ga0.55As/ In0.25Ga0.75As photonic crystal nano-ridge laser monolithically grown on 300 mm silicon substrate
Format: International Conference Presentation
Publication date: 6/2024
Journal/Conference/Book: SPIE Europe 2024
Volume(Issue): p.130120D
Location: strasbourg, France
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
Download: Download this Publication (774KB) (774KB)


Compact on-chip sources with efficient emission in the O-band are a critical component for the silicon photonics platform to realize its full potential in telecom and datacom applications. III-V semiconductors are still the main candidates for realizing such sources but their significant lattice mismatch with silicon remains a fundamental challenge hampering monolithic integration. Hence, we need innovative methods to confine defects outside the active device region. Here, an ultra-compact 1.31 μm-emission photonic crystal (PC) nano-ridge laser selectively area grown on a trench-patterned silicon substrate using aspect ratio trapping and nano-ridge engineering is demonstrated. Lasing at a remarkably low pumping threshold of 4.42 kW/cm2 and with a cavity length as small as 50 μm was realized with the PC nano-ridge device. The laser exhibits a lasing peak with side-mode suppression ratio of over 17 dB and a linewidth as narrow as 1.47 nm under 22.91 kW/cm2 pulsed pumping. This PC nano-ridge laser opens a novel route to realize a compact light source for future high-density and massively scalable silicon photonic integrated circuits in the field of data communication.

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