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Full Name: MAchine Learning to Engineer Photonic Integrated Circuits for ENhanced Tolerance

Duration: 1/1/2021-31/12/2024

People involved

Publications in the framework of this project (9)

    International Journals

  1. Z. Goa, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, C.-Y. Lai, U. Chakraborty, W. Bogaerts, D.S. Boning, Provable Routing Analysis of Programmable Photonic Circuits, Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 42(14), p.49064917 doi:10.1109/JLT.2024.3385338 (2024)  Download this Publication (2.7MB).
  2. T. Ullrick, D. Spina, W. Bogaerts, T. Dhaene, Wideband Parametric Baseband Macromodeling of Linear and Passive Photonic Circuits via Complex Vector Fitting, Scientific Reports, 13, p.Article number 15407 (22 pages) (2023)  Download this Publication (3.2MB).
  3. Y. Ye, T. Ullrick, W. Bogaerts, T. Dhaene, D. Spina, SPICE-compatible equivalent circuit models for accurate time-domain simulations of passive photonic integrated circuits, Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 40(24), p.7856 - 7868 doi:10.1109/JLT.2022.3206818 (2022)  Download this Publication (4.7MB).
      International Conferences

    1. W. Bogaerts, Y. Zhang, H. Deng, L. Van Iseghem, Y. Liu, A. Barzanji, I. Zand, A. Ribeiro, U. Khan, K.P. Nagarjun, General-Purpose Programmable Photonic Circuits, (invited) publication in IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals, Barbados,  (to be published).
    2. W. Bogaerts, H. Deng, X. Chen, L. Van Iseghem, I. Zand, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, A. Al Haffar, P. Edinger, G. Jo, A.Y. Takabayashi, C. Antony, A. Mallik Kumar, J. Zhang, E. Soltanian, P. Verheyen, J. Beeckman, G. Roelkens, N. Quack, F. Niklaus, K.B. Gylfason, U. Khan, Building general-purpose programmable photonic chips: opportunities and challenges, SPIE Photonics West - OPTO (invited), 12890, United States, p.12890-55 doi:10.1117/12.3009922 (2024)  Download this Publication (329KB).
    3. T. Ullrick, D. Deschrijver, W. Bogaerts, T. Dhaene, Wideband Complex Vector Fitting for Modeling Time Delay Variations in Passive Photonic Filters, 32nd IEEE Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, United States, p.T-II.1 doi:10.1109/EPEPS58208.2023.10314930 (2023)  Download this Publication (1MB).
    4. Y. Liu, U. Khan, W. Bogaerts, Fabrication Tolerant Directional Coupler, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Netherlands, p.ID182 (2023)  Download this Publication (378KB).
    5. W. Bogaerts, K. Nagarjun, L. Van Iseghem, X. Chen, H. Deng, I. Zand, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, A.Y. Takabayashi, H. Sattari, N. Quack, P. Edinger, G. Jo, S.J. Bleiker, K.B. Gylfason, F. Niklaus, A. Kumar Mallik, M. Jezzini, C. Antony, G. Talli, P. Verheyen, J. Beeckman, U. Khan, Scaling Programmable Silicon Photonic Circuits, SPIE Photonics West OPTO (invited), 12426, United States, p.12426-1 doi:10.1117/12.2647293 (2023)  Download this Publication (31.4MB).
    6. W. Bogaerts, X. Chen, H. Deng, L. Van Iseghem, M. Wang, I. Zand, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, K. Nagarjun, U. Khan, Programmable Silicon Photonic Circuits, OptoElectronics and Communication Conference / International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC / PSC) (invited), Japan, p.TuE4-1  doi:10.23919/OECC/PSC53152.2022.9849952 (2022)  Download this Publication (736KB).