H2020: CALADANFull Name: Micro assembled Terabit/s capable optical transceivers for Datacom applications Duration: 1/1/2019-31/12/2022 (Finished) Partners: - imec
- FiconTex
- Xilinx
- Mellanox
- X-Celeprint
- Innolume
- Tyndall
Objective: - The CALADAN project brings together a supply chain that will enable automatic wafer scale assembly of Terabit/s capable optical engines through the use of the micro transfer printing technology. SiGe BiCMOS drivers and receivers and GaAs quantum dot lasers will be integrated onto Silicon Photonic integrated circuits, fully at the wafer level.
INTEC's Role: - Develop transfer printing processes for GaAs QD lasers on iSIPP50G
Project Web site: http://www.caladan.tech/homepage.php People involved
Research topics involved