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InP on Si lasers for telecommunication applicationsResearch Area:
Heterogeneous integration technology for silicon photonics ,
Integrated lasers and LEDs ,
Silicon photonics for telecom, datacom and interconnect Main Researcher: Shahram Keyvaninia
The heterogeneous integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon using a wafer bonding technique is currently the most relevant solution for the fabrication of laser sources on silicon. Such integration allows creating integrated optical devices, which take the best of both worlds: III-V semiconductors for efficient light emission and amplification and silicon for its low loss and high index contrast waveguiding. In order to densely integrate the III–V semiconductor with the silicon waveguide circuits, in our group mainly the DVS-BCB adhesive bonding technique is used and is actively reported in state-of-the-art hybrid amplifiers and lasers [1]. In this approach, unstructured InP-based dies are bonded, epitaxial layers down, on an SOI waveguide circuit wafer, after which the InP growth substrate is removed and the III–V epitaxial film is processed. The design space for hybrid InP/SOI devices is large and in particular the coupling between the optical mode in the top active III–V waveguide and that in the bottom passive SOI waveguide plays an important role. In literature, two main solutions are reported. In the first approach, based on evanescent coupling, the bulk of the optical mode (~70%) in the III-V/silicon amplifier waveguide is confined within the Si waveguide [2]. Typically, the silicon waveguide thickness is larger than 500 nm and the III–V effective waveguide width is large (> 4 µm).
Figure1 : (a) Three-dimensional view of the coupling structure in the gain section with representative mode profiles in two cross-sections; (b) detailed top view of the gain structure.
In the second type of devices, the optical mode is mostly confined in the III-V material. In this case, coupling between the III–V and silicon waveguide is realized by adiabatically tapering the silicon and III-V waveguide. This requires that the thickness of the bonding layer is thin enough (<100 nm) to have high coupling efficiency (Figure 1).
Using a 400 nm thick silicon waveguide relaxes the requirements on the III-V taper tip width: a width of 500nm is sufficient to achieve a high efficiency and low reflection power transfer from the III-V laser mesa to the silicon waveguide. To achieve such that narrow taper structures in the active region which are electrically pumped, two technologies (one based on e-beam lithography (collaboration with TU/e) and one based on selective wet etching) were developed. This wet etching technique allowed creating undercut structures in the spot-size converter, which again relaxed the lithography requirements in the definition of the III-V spotsize converter, which was realized using 300 nm UV contact lithography.
Figure 2: (a) SEM picture of a III–V waveguide and taper tip defined with e-beam lithography; (b) SEM picture of a III–V taper tip and cross section for the III-V spot-size converter taper tip illustrating the 500 nm taper tip width close to the active core of the III-V waveguide defined with the developed wet etching process.
Several applications - especially for telecommunication- require single wavelength and wavelength tunable lasers. Several single wavelength lasers on a heterogeneous III-V/SOI photonics platform have been demonstrated, both based on distributed feedback (DFB), distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) and ring resonator geometries, in which the wavelength selective feedback elements were defined in the silicon waveguide layer.
As an example, a new heterogeneously integrated tunable laser [3] was fabricated on SOI, presenting several new features: narrow III–V waveguides in the range from 2 to 3µm, thin silicon waveguide thickness (400 nm/220 nm) and an adiabatic taper in both the III–V and silicon waveguide. A single ring resonator is integrated inside the laser cavity allowing very simple wavelength tuning. Such a combination allows us to demonstrate a single wavelength laser with 45mA threshold at 20°C, more than 8 nm tuning range and a side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) larger than 40 dB over the tuning range. The maximum power coupled to a lensed fiber is 0 dBm at 20 °C, while the total output power from the laser itself is around 10 dBm. The laser linewidth is measured to be 1.7MHz.
Figure 3: (a) Schematic view of the single wavelength microring-based laser structure; (b) Super-imposed laser spectra for several values of the heating power, at 20°C and a laser injection current of 80 mA.
Other people involved: Related Research Projects
PhD thesises -
Amin Abbasi, Hoge snelheid direct gemoduleerde III-V-op-Silicium DFB lasers, High speed directly modulated III-V-on-Silicon DFB lasers, (11/2016)
Jing Zhang, III-V-on-Si Transceivers Based on Micro-Transfer-Printing, (3/2021)
Javad Rahimi Vaskasi, InP-op-Si DFB laserdiodes met hoge vermogensefficientie, hoge modulatiebandbreedte en lage ruis, InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes with High Wall-Plug Efficiency, Large Modulation Bandwidth and Low Noise, (12/2022)

PublicationsInternational Journals
J. Zhang, L. Bogaert, C.J. Krückel, E. Soltanian, H. Deng, B. Haq, J.Rimbock, J. Van Kerrebrouck, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Van Campenhout, P. Ossieur, D. Van Thourhout, G. Morthier, W. Bogaerts, G. Roelkens,
Micro-transfer printing InP C-band SOAs on advanced silicon photonics platform for lossless MZI switch fabrics and high-speed integrated transmitters, Optics Express, 31(26), p.42807-42821 doi:10.1364/OE.505112 (2023)
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G. Morthier,
Numerical study of the single mode stability of quantum well and quantum dot DFB laser diodes under external optical feedback, IEEE Photonics Journal, 15(3), United States, p.art. 1501204 doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2023.3281513 (2023)
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Aleksandrs Marinins, Sebastian Hansch, Huseyin Sar, Francois Chancerel, Negin Golshani, Hsiao-Lun Wang, Artemisia Tsiara, David Coenen, Peter Verheyen, Giovanni Capuz, Yannick De Koninck, Ozan Yilmax, G. Morthier, Filip Schleicher, Geraldine Jamieson, Stuart Smyth, Andrew mcKee, Yoojin Ban, Marianna Pantouvaki, Douglas Charles La Tulipe, Joris Van Campenhout,
Wafer-Scale Hybrid Integration of InP DFB Lasers on Si Photonics by Flip-Chip Bonding with sub-300nm Alignment Resolution, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29(3), United States, p.8200311 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2022.3223641 (2023)
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J. Rahimi Vaskasi, N. Singh, J. Van Kerrebrouck, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
High wall-plug efficiency and narrow linewidth 1 III-V-on-silicon C-band DFB laser diodes, Optics Express, 30(15), p.27983-27992 (2022)
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J. Rahimi Vaskasi, J. Van kerrebrouck, B. Haq, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Demonstration of a High-efficiency Short-cavity III-V-on-Si C-band DFB Laser Diode , IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 28(3), doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2021.3122552 (2022)
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G. Morthier,
Feedback sensitivity of DBR-type laser diodes, IEEE Photonics Journal, 13(4), p.paper 1500205 (5 pages) doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2021.3091851 (2021)
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A. Ferrari, A. Napoli, J. K. Fischer, N. Costa, A. D' Amico, J. Pedro, W. Forysiak, E. Pincemin, A. Lord, A. Stavdas, J.P. F.-P. Gimenez, G. Roelkens, N. Calabretta, S. Abrate, B. Sommerkorn-Krombholz,
Assessment on the achievable throughput of multi-band ITU-T G.652.D fiber transmission systems, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(16), p.4279-4291 (2020)
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M. Shahin, J. Rahimi Vaskasi, J. Van Kerrebrouck, P. Ossieur, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
80 Gbps NRZ-OOK Electro-Absorption Modulation of InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31(7), p.533-536 doi:10.1109/lpt.2019.2900518 (2019).
S. Dhoore, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Fast wavelength-tunable lasers on silicon, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (invited), 25(6), p.1500908 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2912034 (2019)
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S. Dhoore, A. Köninger, R. Meyer, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Electronically tunable distributed feedback (DFB) laser on silicon, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 13(3), p.1800287 doi:10.1002/lpor.201800287 (2019).
K. Van Gasse, R. Wang, G. Roelkens,
27 dB gain III-V-on-silicon semiconductor optical amplifier with > 50 mW output power, Optics Express, 27(1), p.293-302 doi:10.1364/oe.27.000293 (2019)
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K. Van Gasse, L. Bogaert, L. Breyne, J. Van Kerrebrouck, S. Dhoore, C. Op de Beeck, A. Katumba, C.Y. Wu, H. Li, J. Verbist, A. Rahim, A. Abbasi, B. Moeneclaey, Z. Wang, H. Chen, J. Van Campenhout, X. Yin, B. Kuyken, G. Morthier, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, G. Roelkens,
Analog radio-over-fiber transceivers based on III-V-on-silicon photonics, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (invited), 30(21), p.1818-1821 doi:10.1109/LPT.2018.2867930 (2018)
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M. Shahin, K. Ma, A. Abbasi, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
45 Gbps Direct Modulation of Two-Section InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(8), p.685-687 doi:10.1109/LPT.2018.2811906 (2018)
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S. Dhoore, A. Rahim, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
12.5 Gbit/s discretely tunable InP-on-silicon filtered feedback laser with sub-nanosecond wavelength switching times, Optics Express, 26(7), p.8059-8068 doi:10.1364/OE.26.008059 (2018)
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J. Zhang, B. Haq, J. O'Callaghan, A. Gocalinska, E. Pelucchi, A.J. Trindade, B. Corbett, G. Morthier, G. Roelkens,
Transfer-printing-based integration of a III-V-on-silicon distributed feedback laser, Optics Express, 26(7), United States, p.8821-8830 doi:10.1364/oe.26.008821 (2018)
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A. Abbasi, L. Abdollahi Shiramin, B. Moeneclaey, J. Verbist, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, D. Van Thourhout, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
III-V-on-Silicon C-band High-Speed Electro-Absorption Modulated DFB Laser , Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(2), p.252-257 doi:10.1109/jlt.2017.2743044 (2018)
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K. Van Gasse, Z. Wang, S. Uvin, B. De Deckere, J. Marien, L. Thomassen, G. Roelkens,
Ka-band to L-band frequency down-conversion based on III-V-on-silicon photonic integrated circuits, CEAS Space Journal, 9(4), p.531-541 doi:10.1007/s12567-017-0179-z (2017).
A. Abbasi, B. Moeneclaey, J. Verbist, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G.-H. Duan, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Direct and electro-absorption modulation of a III-V-on-silicon DFB laser at 56 Gbps, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, p.1501307 (7 pages) doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2017.2708606 (2017)
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K. Ma, M. Shahin, A. Abbasi, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Demonstration of InP-on-Si Self-Pulsating DFB Laser Diodes for Optical Microwave Generation, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(4), p.1504608 (8 pages) doi:10.1109/jphot.2017.2724840 (2017)
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Z. Wang, K. Van Gasse, V. Moskalenko, S. Latkowski, E. Bente, B. Kuyken, G. Roelkens,
A III-V-on-Si ultra dense comb laser, Light: Science & Applications, 6, p.e16260 doi: 10.1038/lsa.2016.260 (2017)
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A. Abbasi, S. Keyvaninia, J. Verbist, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, F. Lelarge, G-H. Duan, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
43 Gb/s NRZ-OOK Direct Modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP/Si DFB Laser, Journal of Lightwave Technology (invited), 35(6), p.1235-1240 doi:10.1109/jlt.2016.2638619 (2017).
S. Dhoore, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
III-V-on-silicon three-section DBR laser with over 12 nm continuous tuning range, Optics Letters, 42(6), p.1121-1124 doi:10.1364/OL.42.001121 (2017)
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S. Dhoore, L. Li, A. Abbasi, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Demonstration of a discretely tunable III-V-on-silicon sampled grating DFB laser, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(21), p.2343-2346 doi:10.1109/LPT.2016.2593983 (2016)
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S. Dhoore, S. Uvin, D. Van Thourhout, G. Morthier, G. Roelkens,
Novel adiabatic tapered couplers for active III-V/SOI devices fabricated through transfer printing, Optics Express, 24(12), United States, p.12976-12990 doi:10.1364/OE.24.012976 (2016)
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A. Abbasi, C. Spatharakis, G. Kanakis, N. Sequeira André, H. Louchet, A. Katumba, J. Verbist, H. Avramopoulos, P. Bienstman, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
High Speed Direct Modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP/SOI DFB Laser, Journal of Lightwave Technolgy (invited), 34(8), p.1683-1687 doi:10.1109/jlt.2015.2510868 (2016)
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A. Abbasi, J. Verbist, J. Van kerrebrouck, F. Lelarge, G. H. Duan, x. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
28 Gb/s Direct Modulation Heterogeneously Integrated C-band InP/SOI DFB Laser, Optics Express, 23(20), p.26479-26485 doi:10.1364/oe.23.026479 (2015)
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L. Shen, V. Calzadilla, C. Wullems, Y.Jiao, A. Millan Meija, H. Ambrosius, J. van der Tol, G. Roelkens, M.K. Smit,
Low-optical-loss and low-resistance Ag/Ge based ohmic contacts to n-type InP for membrane based waveguide devices, Optical Materials Express, 5(2), p.393-398 doi:10.1364/ome.5.000393 (2015)
International Conferences
Ma, Rui, Luo, Lingzhi, Yao, Chunhui, J. Zhang, Chen, Mingjia, Bao, Peng, G. Roelkens, Penty, Richard, Cheng,Qixiang,
Silicon 4×4×8λ space-and-wavelength selective optical switch with resonant phase shifters, accepted for publication in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, United States, (to be published).
A. Fernandez Gamez, T. Reep, S. Poelman, M. Billet, D. Pastor , P. Munoz, J. D. Domenech, C. Dominguez, B. Kuyken,
Two-step Transfer Printed External Cavity Lasers on Commercial Silicon Nitride Platform, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, (2024).
G. Morthier, Y. Xue, G. Roelkens,
Heterogeneously integrated laser diodes that are efficient and insensitive to external feedback, ICTON (invited), Italy, (2024).
J. Zhang, L. Bogaert, M. Billet, D. Wang, B. Pan, S. Qin, E. Soltanian, S. Cuyvers, D. Maes, T. Vanackere, T. Vandekerckhove, S. Poelman, M. Kiewiet, I. Luntadila Lufungula, X. Guo, H. Li, J. De Witte, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Van Campenhout, B. Kuyken, G. Morthier, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, G. Roelkens,
Photonic integrated circuits realized using micro-transfer printing, PIERS (invited), (2023).
J. Zhang, C.J. Krückel, B. Haq, B. Matuskova, J. Rimmbock, S. Ertl, A. Cocalinska, E. Pelucchi, B. Corbett, J. Van Campenhout, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, D. Van Thourhout, R. Beats, G. Roelkens,
Lossless High-speed Silicon Photonic MZI switch with a Micro-Transfer-Printed III-V amplifier, The Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) 2022, United States, p.441-445 (2022)
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J. Rahimi Vaskasi, J. Van kerrebrouck, B. Haq, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
High-efficiency short-cavity III-V-on-Si C-band DFB laser diodes , Proc. SPIE 12006, Silicon Photonics XVII, 120060H, 12006, United States, doi:https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2607357 (2022)
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R. Baets, G. Roelkens,
Heterogeneous Integration in Silicon Photonics, Conference on Silicon Photonics (invited), China, (2021).
J. Zhang, C. Op de Beeck, B. Haq, S. Cuyvers, A. Hermans, J. De Witte, E. Soltanian, A. Gocolinska, E. Pelucchi, B. Corbett, A. J. Trindate, C. Bowers, J. Van Campenhout, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen,
III-V-on-Si/SiN lasers realized using micro-transfer printing, SPIE photonics west (invited), (2021).
J. Rahimi Vaskasi, M. Shahin, K. Van Gasse, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Characterization of optical loss and carrier lifetime in integrated III-V/SOI distributed feedback lasers, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, (2019)
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J. Zhang, A. Gocalinksaka, E. Pelucchi, J. Van Campenhout, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, B. Corbett, G. Roelkens,
III-V on silicon widely tunable laser realised by micro-transfer printing, European Conference on Optical Communication, Ireland, p.paper 4459381 (2019)
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C. Op de Beeck, L. Elsinger, B. Haq, G. Roelkens, B. Kuyken,
Towards the integration of C-band amplifiers on silicon nitride via transfer printing, Frontiers in Optics, United States, p.paper FTu5C.6 doi:10.1364/fio.2019.ftu5c.6 (2019)
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C. Op de Beeck, L. Elsinger, B. Haq, G. Roelkens, B. Kuyken,
Heterogeneously Integrated Laser on a Silicon Nitride Platform via Micro-Transfer Printing, Frontiers in Optics, United States, p.paper FTu6B.1 doi:10.1364/FIO.2019.FTu6B.1 (2019)
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J. Zhang, S. Kumari, S. Dhoore, G. Muliuk, M. Galarza, G. Agnieszka, P. Emanuele, C. Brian, G. Roelkens,
Micro-transfer-printed III-V-on-silicon C-band Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser, IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Singapore, doi:10.1109/group4.2019.8853875 (2019).
M. Shahin, J. Rahimi Vaskasi, J. Van Kerrebrouck, A. Abbasi, K. Van Gasse, M. Muneeb, L. Breyne, P. Ossieur, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Demonstration of 80 Gbps NRZ-OOK Electro-Absorption Modulation of InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), United States, doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.STh4N.1 (2019)
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M. Shahin, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Compact InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Belgium, (2018)
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S. Dhoore, A. Koninger, R. Meyer, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Electronically tunable DFB laser on silicon, 26th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC 2018), United States, p.75-76 doi:10.1109/islc.2018.8516173 (2018)
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A. Napoli, N. Costa, J. Fischer, J. Pedro, S. Abrate, N. Calabretta, W. Forysiak, E. Pincemin, J. Gimenez, C. Matrakidis, G. Roelkens, V. Curri,
Towards multiband optical systems, Advanced Photonics Congress (invited), Switzerland, p.NeTu3E.1 (2 pages) doi:10.1364/networks.2018.netu3e.1 (2018)
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A. Napoli, N. Calabretta, J. Fischer, N. Costa, S. Abrate, J. Pedro, V. Lopez, V. Curri, D. Zibar, E. Pincemin, S. Grot, G. Roelkens, C. Matrakidis, W. Forysiak,
Perspectives of multi-band optical communication systems, Opto-electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) (invited), South Korea, p.5B3-1 (2018)
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S. Dhoore, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
InP-on-silicon electronically tunable lasers, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2018 (invited), Romania, p.paper Tu.B5.3 (4 pages) doi:10.1109/icton.2018.8473935 (2018)
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A. Abbasi, J. Verbist, L. Abdollahi Shiramin, M. Verplaetse, T. De Keulenaer, R. Pierco, A. Vyncke, G. Torfs, G. Morthier, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens,
100 Gb/s Duobinary Electro-Absorption Modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diode, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO, Spain, p.Th.1.A.3-HRP (2018)
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K. Van Gasse, Z. Wang, B. De Deckere, G. Roelkens,
Heterogeneous Silicon Photonic Devices for Wireless Communication Systems, 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC) (invited), Spain, p.S-D01-3 doi:10.23919/URSI-AT-RASC.2018.8471380 (2018)
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S. Dhoore, A. Rahim, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
III-V-on-Silicon Filtered Feedback Discretely Tunable Laser with Nanosecond Switching Times, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2018, United States, p.paper SW3Q.4 doi:10.1364/cleo_si.2018.sw3q.4 (2018)
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G. Roelkens,
III-V-on-silicon heterogeneously integrated lasers, SPIE Photonics Europe (invited), 10682, France, p.paper 10682-23 (2018).
M. Shahin, A. Abbasi, K. Ma, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Towards High Modulation Bandwidth using Two-Section InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.44-47 (2017)
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M. Shahin, K. Ma, A. Abbasi, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Demonstration of Self-Pulsating InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diodes, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), United States, p.473-474 doi:10.1109/ipcon.2017.8116189 (2017)
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A. Abbasi, L. Abdollahi Shiramin, B. Moeneclaey, J. Verbist, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, D. Van Thourhout, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
2x56 Gbps Electroabsorption Modulated III-V-on-silicon DFB Laser, European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Sweden, p.paper M.2.C.3 (3 pages) doi:10.1109/ecoc.2017.8345867 (2017)
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S. Dhoore, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Towards fast tunable InP-on-SOI laser diodes, European Semiconductor Laser Workshop 2017, Denmark, p.1-2 (2017).
A. Abbasi, B. Moeneclaey, J. Verbist, X. Yin, J. bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
56 Gb/s Direct Modulation of an InP-on-Si DFB Laser Diode, Optical Interconnect Conference, United States, doi:10.1109/oic.2017.7965516 (2017)
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A. Abbasi, H. Chen, J. Verbist, X.Yin, Y. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Chirp Managed Optical Link based on a Directly Modulated InP/Si DFB Laser, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2017, Netherlands, p.T5.5 (2017)
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S. Dhoore, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Heterogeneously Integrated III-V/SOI DBR Laser with Over 7 nm Continuous Wavelength Tuning Range, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO, Netherlands, p.paper M5.2 (2 pages) (2017)
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S. Dhoore, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Discretely tunable III-V/SOI SG-DFB laser, Proceedings Symposium IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, Belgium, p.39-42 (2016)
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K. Van Gasse, Z. Wang, S. Uvin, J. Marien, L. Thomassen, G. Roelkens,
Ka-to-L-band frequency down-conversion using a micro-photonic IIIV-on-silicon mode-locked laser and Mach-Zehnder modulator, International Conference on Space Optics, France, doi:10.1117/12.2296159 (2016)
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S. Dhoore, L. Li, A. Abbasi, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Demonstration of a discretely tunable III-V/SOI sampled grating distributed feedback laser, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, United States, doi:10.1109/ipcon.2016.7831221 (2016)
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A. Abbasi, J. Verbist, X. Yin, F. Lelarge, G. H. Duan, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
Enhanced Modulation Bandwidth of Heterogeneously Integrated III-V-on-silicon DFB Laser for 40 Gb/s NRZ-OOK Direct Modulation, International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC), Japan, (2016)
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G. Morthier, A. Abbasi, M. Shahin, J. Verbist, G. Roelkens,
High speed modulation of InP membrane DFB laser diodes, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) (invited), Italy, p.Mo.C5.3 doi:10.1109/icton.2016.7550302 (2016)
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Z. Wang, M. Pantouvaki, G. Morthier, C. Merckling, J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, G. Roelkens,
Heterogeneous Integration of InP Devices on Silicon, the 28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM) (invited), Japan, p.paper ThD1-1 (2016)
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G. Morthier, A. Abbasi, J. Verbist, S. Keyvaninia, X. Yin, F. Lelarge, G.H. Duan, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens,
High-speed directly modulated heterogeneously integrated InP/Si DFB laser, European Conference on Optical Communication (invited), Germany, p.148-150 (2016)
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A. Abbasi, C. Spatharakis, G. Kanakis, N. S. André, H. Louchet, A. Katumba, J. Verbist, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, H. Avramopoulos, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
PAM-4 and Duobinary Direct Modulation of a Hybrid InP/SOI DFB Laser for 40 Gb/s Transmission over 2 km Single Mode Fiber, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2016, United States, p.M2C.6 doi:10.1364/ofc.2016.m2c.6 (2016)
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A. Abbasi, J. Verbist, J. Van kerrebrouck, F. Lelarge, G. H. Duan, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
28 Gb/s Direct Modulation Heterogeneously Integrated InP/Si DFB Laser , ECOC, Spain, p.paper We.2.5.2 doi:10.1109/ecoc.2015.7341986 (2015)
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S. Uvin, S. Keyvaninia, M. Tassaert, Z. Wang, X. Fu, S. Latkowski, J. Marien, L. Thomassen, F. Lelarge, G. Duan, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Van Campenhout, E. Bente, G. Roelkens,
1.7 kHz RF linewidth III-V-on-silicon mode-locked laser, 12th Intenational Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), Canada, p.WF2 doi:10.1109/group4.2015.7305936 (2015)
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Z. Wang, A. Malik, B. Tian, M. Muneeb, Clement Merckling, M. Pantouvaki, Yosuke Shimura, Roger Loo, J Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, G. Roelkens,
Near/Mid-Infrared Heterogeneous Si Photonics, The 9th International Conference On Silicon Epitaxy And Heterostructures (invited), (2015)
National Conferences
S. Dhoore, A. Abbasi, J. Zhang, K. Van Gasse, M. Shahin, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier,
InP-on-Silicon Lasers for Optical Communication, FEA Research Symposium, Belgium, (2017).
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